Chapter 22 (Bakugou's P.O.V.)

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When I heard Shoto give out a yawn and felt him lean on my chest

again, I quickly looked down to see if he was ok, but it turns out that he was just sleeping. I sighed in complete assurance until I smelled something familiar. I tried to pinpoint where the smell was coming from, until I looked in the kitchen and found a large, opened bottle of whiskey. This made me realize that Shoto must have been worrying so much to the point he drank himself to sleep. 'Idiot!' I thought to myself as I licked my lips and tasted the faint taste of whiskey from when we kissed. I unconsciously furrowed my eyebrows as I started to pet Shoto's soft hair. He leaned into my touch and hummed, making me smile a bit. I kissed Shoto's head and layed back down on the couch in a more comfortable position for the both of us to sleep in. Once we were both comfortable and snuggled up together, I took in one last glance at his peaceful resting face before I fell asleep again.

When I woke up I felt the warmth that I had was faint. 'Sho?!' I thought to myself as I sat myself up, 'Don't panic Katsuki...He's probably just in the house,' I said to myself, as I took deep breaths. I hear a distant yelp from the Kitchen. I quickly looked over from the couch to see what happened, but I couldn't see anything. I got up and started to walk over to the kitchen to see what happened.

"Suki! Watch out!" I heard Sho yell. I looked down at the floor and saw that Shoto was leaning on the counter but still in the middle of pieces of glass plates. That was scattered across the floor.

"Sho, What happened?" I asked, letting my anger slide this time, Shoto smiled sheepishly at me and responded.

"I was trying to get the plates but they were too high for me..and I wanted to make you something for you. But then the plates fell and now we're here." Shoto smiled sheepishly.

"C'mere dumbass." I said as I watched Shoto carefully walk over to me. Once he was close enough to reach, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to a safer place beside me.

"You don't need to do anything for me, I'm fine. Besides, I enjoy doing the cooking. All you know how to do is make some cold soba," I said to him, making him let out a pout.

"I do not, I know how to make ramen," he countered, making me chuckle.

"Everyone knows how to make ramen dumbass," I said as I moved my way over to the pantry to grab the broom. Shoto let out a pouted sigh until he looked as if an idea came into his mind.

"Then teach me," he said simply. I stopped sweeping and looked up at him.


"I said teach me how to cook, so when, you know, w-when we have k-kids and you're a-at work, I-I'll know how to make other foods" Shoto repeated in a shy way. I looked over at him with a straight face.

"Alright, but keep in mind, I'm very OCD when it comes to cooking," I warned, but it made him smile. "Anyways, just stay over there and be good until I'm done cleaning this mess up," I finished and continued sweeping. Shoto nods and sits in a chair and watches me.

When I threw away the glass shards, Shoto was sitting in the chair like I told him too. I walk over to him and hold out my hand to him. He took it.

"Let's start teaching you how to cook other than Cold soba and ramen," I said, which made him smile. 

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