Chapter 24(Katsuki's P.O.V.)

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(Warning: this chapter contains slight NSFW. You may skip this chapter if you want. Viewer description has been advised)

This whole evening, I've been planning and preparing a special night

just for Shoto. Although I totally forgot about the package, I'm glad it came tonight of all nights we've spent together. Once I made it upstairs with him, I waited until he was ready, before I opened the door to our bedroom. When the doors opened, his normally stoic face turned into a surprise as he walked in. The walls were lightly decorated in fairy lights and small islandy flowers. Some of the window sills held lit candles, giving off a low but still vibrant light. I also put up some old pictures of us with frames around them, and this may sound a bit cheesy, but yes, I decorated the floor with some flower petals.

"I know I've been spoiling you our whole honeymoon, but I wanted to make this night special, just for you," I tell him as I watched him walk around the room in amazement.

"I-I...I don't know what to say, Suki.." Shoto managed to say turning around to look at me. I couldn't help myself but grin as I walked toward him and took his hand. I rubbed my thumb on his hand for a bit before I guided him to our bed, gesturing to him to sit down. When he did, I took out not only a small box of chocolates for him but another small little gift.

"I know our marriage was only a few days ago, but let this be the start of our first and starting day anniversary," I tell him as I hand him both boxes and kneel down in front of him.

"Oh, Suki. I love you soo much" Shoto says, looking down at me. I smiled a little as I kissed his hand.

"I love you too my love, and I promise on my life that I'll be here for you

to lean on. I promise that I'll be here to protect you and our kids," I tell him as I look up at him.

"I promise to help you every step of the way, and work out every fight or argument that we come across," Shoto says, smiling. I smile back at him, before slowly rising up to caress his cheek, making both of our mouths just inches away.

"May I?" I ask a bit teasingly, before I kiss him.

"Yes, you may," He responded. I smirk before connecting our lips together for a kiss. I heard Shoto give out a small hum before moving his gifts to the side so they won't fall. But before I knew it the gifts fell gently onto the floor with a soft thump. Luckily nothing in those gifts were fragile, because I ignored the fact that they fell and continued to kiss him, making him wrap his arms around my shoulders so I can push further onto the bed. Once on the bed I lightly attacked his neck in kisses, leaving small hickeys. As we kissed I moved one of my legs between his for a bit more comfortable stance, when I felt something hard. I broke away for a second, so the both of us could breath.

"You're hard already? Just by me kissing you?" I asked a bit

surprised as I looked down at my blushing husband.

"Ah~" He tried to answer but he was still catching his breath.

"M-Maybe?" He responded, his face still with blush. I smirked and bent down giving him another small kiss before breaking away and sitting up. That made Shoto let out a little whine. I kept my smirk on my face and took my shirt off, and then undoing my pants a bit.

"So am I," I said before bending over to kiss him once again, and

help him with his clothes. I felt him try and help me but he was too involved in the kiss that he just gave up on his clothes mid-way. I chuckled a little bit and stopped kissing so I could help my submissive husband with his clothes until we were both naked and ready to go. At first Shoto was a bit self-conscious and embarrassed of his scars, but once he started tracing his fingers along my chest and torso, he started to warm up. I smiled and touched him too as the night grew long and heated.

When morning came, I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes a bit, but I didn't bother because I had Shoto next to me. He was still sleeping in my arms, so I didn't move from my position. Instead I snuggled my head closer, to bury myself in his neck, so I could hide from the sun. The sun did disappear from my sight once snuggled up to my husband, I felt his hand on onto my chest.

"D- Suki?" Shoto said tiredly.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response, showing the same tiredness in my


"Y-you suck, Now m-my ass h-hurts..." He said hiding his face in my

chest. I move my head so he can hide.

"Was I really that rough on you last night? I thought I used enough lube.

I'm sorry," I respond, pulling his still naked self closer to me.

"hmm...It wasn't y-your's just t-that your dick is big.." he said, wrapping his arms around me. I blush a bit, not expecting such honesty early in the morning. I then snuggle closer to him.

"U-Umm thanks? I'm sorry if I hurt you, and if we are having an honest

session about what happened last night, I'll go next. It felt really good inside you and your voice was music to my ears," I responded, with a small smirk and blush on my face.

"Hmm..." He mumbled. "I-It f-felt good.." He continued, blushing. I smiled and let out a small chuckle.

"I'm glad I got to make you feel good," I said kissing the top of his head. "How about breakfast in bed for you huh? I'll make you something so

you don't have to move for a bit. How does that sound?" I asked him as I started to sit up.

"T-That sounds wonderful," He responded, starting to hide under the

covers. I smiled at his cuteness as I started to climb out of the bed, until I noticed the small gifts I gave him on the floor. I got off the bed and picked them up, setting them down on his nightstand. Once secured on the nightstand I took one last look at the bump of covers on the bed before I put on pants and walked downstairs to make him some breakfast.

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