Chapter 25(Shoto's P.O.V.)

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I hid under the covers of the bed, feeling sore and famashed. But sooner or later I popped out of the covers to see that there was food in front of me. I took the fork that was next to the plate and started to eat the food. Katsuki sat next to me, he ruffled my hair while I ate. And before I knew it I ate all the food on the plate.

"Seems like you were really hungry," Katsuki said, softly as he took the tray of food away to put it in the sink downstairs. I looked over on the nightstand once Katsuki left, and noticed that the gifts that he gave me were there. I grabbed them and started to open the small gift first because the second one smelled like chocolate; so i'll save those for later. Once the little gift was open I saw that it was a tiny keychain, with a picture of us together. I smiled and slipped out of bed, when I stood up my leg almost gave out on me but I was determined that I was going to put this keychain on my car keys. Once that was done, I changed into one of Katsuki's shirts and my boxers. Right when my legs felt like giving out on me; Katsuki picked me up and carried me to the bed.

"I know that you wanted to change my love but you could have waited for me to help you," Katsuki said, gingerly.

"Yeah, I know Suki but I wanted to put your keychain that you gave me on my car keys," I said, pouting a bit. Katsuki smirked.

"So is it gonna be a thing for you to steal my shirts now?" Katsuki said, bringing me into a hug. I snuggle close to him, nodding in the process but desperately not wanting him to leave my side anymore. But Katsuki insisted for himself to get fully ready for the day so I just stayed in bed with my sore ass.

"Su-" *RIng RIng RIng* I lifted up my head to see that it was my phone that was ringing. I picked it up,

"Hello?" I answered through the phone.

"Is this Katsuki Bakugou?" A man's voice arose from the silence.

"No, this is his husband Shoto Bakugo," I quickly answered.

"Sorry, for disturbing you so early in your honeymoon but please inform your husband to call me back.....There is a storm coming in about 3 days and if you two stay you'll be stuck where you are for longer than you intended...So let your husband call me back for your guys decision. Call me back at xxx-xxx-xxxxx," the man told me and then once he said the call number he hung up.

Once I heard the bathroom door click open, I saw Katsuki holding his towel around his waist. I blushed, at the hickeys that were covered on his chest and neck.

"B-baby?" I said, blushing while he changed.

"Yeah, my love?" He answered.

"Someone called me and informed me that there was gonna be a storm that will pass this area and it is gonna be bad weather. So he wants you to call him back to see what our decision is." I said, as I noticed that Katsuki stopped putting on clothes right when I said storm.

"What's the options?" He said.

"We can stay here, but it's gonna be longer than we both intended for our honeymoon. Or leave in 2 days earlier than we planned," I responded. Katsuki put his finger and thumb up to his chin, making him look like he was thinking, as he looked down.

"I hate to say this but, it would be smart to leave early, because Kirishima and I only packed enough stuff for the seven days. I'll call the manager and tell them we'll leave early. In the meantime you and I can finish our honeymoon in our shared apartment," he said, making the final decision.

"Mkay. I'll start helping you pack," I said getting off the bed once more. Katsuki helped me walk a bit, because my legs still felt like jelly. I helped him pack Him and I's clothes first in our suitcases. Soon we added our extra gifts and clothes that we got at the festival.

"I'll put these in the car so we can leave tomorrow." I said as I walked slowly out of the beach house. When I saw the sky there were dark clouds starting to cover the sky. The wind was colder than usual. I shivered a bit as I unlocked the car so I could put the bags inside. Once put in the trunk of the car, I quickly shut it and sped walked inside to a warmer place. When I shut the door, I noticed that Katsuki was about to walk outside with the rest of the bags. I reopened the door for him to walk out and put them in the car. When I heard the car beep when it locked, Katsuki walked back inside a bit damp.

"Damnit, it's already starting to rain a bit," Katsuki said, a bit irritated, but still calm enough to not use his quirk in the house. I smiled as I walked to him to give him a hug and warm him up with my fire quirk. His growling slowly turned into a coo as he warmed up.

"Thanks my love," he said, putting both of his hands on my waist. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome. Hey, since we are leaving tomorrow due to the storm, let's make tonight worth our while," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and basically leaning back on him. Katsuki's eyes went a little wide as a small amount of blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Are you sure? I thought you said you were still sore from the night before," he said, making my face flush a deep red. I let go of his neck and playfully punch his chest so I wouldn't hurt him.

"Y-You idiot! T-That's not what I m-meant! And yes, I am still very sore, no thanks t-to your big dick," I basically yell at him, but I just hear him chuckle, making me blush harder. 'Why is his chuckle so deep and hot?' I asked myself as I'm still a blushing mess. All of the sudden I felt katsuki's hand wrap around one of my wrists, stopping it from punching him again. He pulled me up to him, raising both of my arms in the air so I couldn't use them. He then pushed me up against the closest wall and bent down really close to my ear and whispered in a husked voice.

"I was just kidding, I wouldn't bang you two nights in a row even if I wanted to. The last thing I want is to hurt you, but even though you're sore, that doesn't stop me from kissing you and placing marks on your body, claiming you to be mine,"he said before he licked the base of my neck and bit down a bit. I tried to hide a moan by biting my lip but it still leaked out. I felt Katsuki smile against me as his other hand traveled up my shirt to pad my chest and play with my nipples. As Katsuki kissed and played with my chest, massaging the areas that are somewhat sore, I started to feel my legs giving out on me, from so much pleasure building up.

"Nnh~ K-suki, q-quit teasing me, I-I feel l-like I'm gonna fall," I tell him as the shaking in my legs continues and I slowly feel myself sliding down on the wall. Katsuki then let go of my wrists, letting them fall to my sides as he quickly bent down in front of me and picking me up.

"Who knew the mighty and stoic Shoto Bakugou would be so sensitive," he said with a smirk, making me blush even redder. I then quickly hid in his chest as he carried me up to our bedroom, and laid me down on our bed. Right when he joined me in bed and about to keep kissing me, there was a big thunder crack making me jump back a little from the sudden noise.

"It's starting up now? I hope we will be able to go home tomorrow," he said as I looked up at him from the position I was in. I hummed in agreement and I nodded and hid in his muscular chest. Katsuki didn't hesitate to wrap his arms and the blanket around me. I smiled at his warmth and worried kindness towards me.

"Thank you suki, for all of this. I love you so much," I said, looking up at him. His ruby eyes connected with my eyes and smiled, making me blush a little, but thank goodness it was dark.

"You're welcome my love. Anything for the person that stayed by my side through everything and was dumb enough to marry me," he replied, making me pout a bit, but Katsuki just laughed and ruffled my hair and kissing my lips again before replying that he loves me too.

"We should get some sleep now. If you get scared throughout the night, wake me up, I'll be with you the whole time," he tells me, making me feel more at ease. I nod and hide in his chest again.

"Goodnight Suki," I said as he nodded, and I started to fall peacefully to sleep. As we began to sleep the rain began to fall, singing us a nice and somewhat quiet lullaby. This made me smile and cling onto his shirt as I felt his strong arms hold me in a protective and yet comfortable hug. 'Goodnight Suki, sleep good,' I thought in my head as I listened to the rain and ocean sing together.

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