Chapter 39 (Shoto's P.O.V.)

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I took in two deep breaths, as I felt more relaxed. I kissed Suki's cheek,

"Thanks Suki," I said with a smile, He grinned my way as he ruffled my hair.

"Anytime Icy-hot," Katsuki said. My hair still looked ruffled, as we started to enter the Hero agency. Katsuki and I enter the doors of the hero agency, and I get a bunch of questions.

"Did you adopt your kids?"a woman asked.

"When were they born?" Another person asked, after the woman. I tried to walk away and go to my desk but I was swamped with questions about the twins.

"The twins were born on October 15th and no we didn't adopt them. I was pregnant with them for the whole 9 months," I responded. They still wanted to ask questions.

"Who's the father?" "What's the gender of the twins?" "Will we get to see them at work?" I blinked.

"The father of the twins is Ground Zero, now please. I need to get work done," I said, as I walked to the secretary office so I could get my files. The nice lady there grabbed my files and let me start working, I walked back to my desk.

I sat down, looking through the files; There was a kid missing around the age of 1 and 2. I continued to look at all the files, They all have the same gender mostly girls. I bit my lip,

'It seems like this villain is wanting to steal and kidnap all these little girls who have different colored hair and rarely even natural colored hair,' I thought to myself. I turned to a final file and it looked almost exactly like Kim. I felt myself start to get worried.

'There's no need to be worried about the twins there safe with Kirishima and Kaminari,' I said to myself.

Hours later, I filed the last paperwork. I handed the secretary my files before Katsuki and I went home to see the twins.

"Thank you, See you tomorrow" The secretary said, I nodded, as I took Katsuki's hand. His arms were covered in scratches, while we walked to our truck. When we got to the truck, he opened the backseat of the truck so he could put his gauntlets and mask in there. As he did, I noticed more scratches going down his arms. I figured it was just part of walking up and down the streets doing minor services for the people. When we got back home, Katsuki and I drove next to our apartment. I helped Katsuki carry his gauntlets into our apartment. When we opened the apartment door,

"Were ba--" I said, holding Suki's gauntlet. Kaminari and Kirishima were holding Kim. Who was squirming in their hands. Her fluffy pink hair was covered in red dye. I could feel Suki's anger radiating, knowing that the explosion would happen sooner or later.

"What in the living hell is going on here?" Katsuki asked them slowly, trying not to explode in front of our son and daughter. Kim finally got set free and crawled over to me.

"Maah!" Kim's voice beckoned me to pick her up. I picked her up along with Keith and left the room for me to give them a bath and a nap. When I left I could hear him and the others talking and whisper yelling. Then there was the sound of the door closing, and Suki walking into our room, taking off his shirt to change.

"What happened?" I asked, holding the wet and clean twins. Suki notices the twins in my arms and starts to tell me, what I presume is a half truth.

"Shitty hair and Pikachu were just playing dress up with the kids," He said, putting on his pajamas. I nod, wiping the excess dye that was dripping off of Kim's head. Keith was already dressed and laying on our bed.

"Daha!" Keith called Suki. Suki walked into their room and played with Keith silently. I bounced Kim and laid her on the cleaning station, dried Kim's hair which turned out a dark red. I put her in a pink onesie, and carried her into her room.

'I miss her pink hair already..I hope it doesn't damage her pink hair when she's older..' I thought to myself. Suki was gently playing with Keith, Kim wiggled out of my arms. I gently got her to the ground, Kim crawled over to Katsuki.

"Dada!" She yelled at him, as she grabbed his pajama shirt for support to stand up. Suki smiled softly, I walked over to them. Sitting down next to Katsuki.

"What's wrong Suki?" I asked, looking up at him. I noticed his shoulders raise and fall as he sighs.

"Kirishima heard the rumor of the pervert kidnapping little girls with radiant hair, he thought if he dyed her hair something a little less noticeable, she would be safe," Suki says whispering to me, so the kids wouldn't hear.

"It was a nice thing that Kirishima did but..Kim's hair was something that was precious about her. I miss it already. And I know that you do too. But it doesn't mean We have to be sad about it or worried for Kim. All we need to do is protect her as best as we can," I whispered back to him.

"I'm not sad, I'm just worried. I don't understand why I've been so worried lately. These guys are just so fragile," he said, backing his emotions a bit strictly, as he bounces Keith's arms with one of his hands.

"They are fragile, but I think your solution is for you to take a break," I guessed. I could tell that Suki's eyebrows furrow before he speaks.

"What do you expect me to do then? Stay home and not provide for my family?" He asks me, trying to sound less mad, and trying to control his anger problem.

"I'm not saying to not provide for your family, I'm.." I paused for a moment, to think.

"Keith. Kim it's time for bed," I said, cutting myself off so Katsuki and I can have a more private talk in our room. I picked both of them up and put them in their crib.

I walked out of the twin's room and into our room, I heard the heavy footsteps of Katsuki in the hall. When he joined me in our room, he closed the door so our voices won't echo through the hallways.

"What if we take turns working," I suddenly say as the idea pops in my head. Katsuki looks my way confused.

"What?" He asks confused.

"You're obviously stressed Suki. And I think taking turns will help you not to be so stressed. You've been working double shifts ever since the twins were born." I explained, ignoring the fact that I almost stuttered. I notice Suki goes quiet for a second as he just stares at me, as if he were searching for something. All of the sudden, he walks towards me and the bed, sitting on the edge.

"I don't even know what to say, I guess we can try it. One day one of us works and the other babysits the kids?" He asks me.

"I think that'd be the best idea so far," I responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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