Chapter 3 (Todoroki's P.O.V.)

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After class Momo and I were just talking to each other. Mostly we were talking about what strategies we should have done in class today.

"Do you have any crushes Todoroki?" Momo asks out of the blue.

"Yeah, I do. And also Momo....I'm gay," I admitted, Momo looked at me surprised.

"Woah really!? No offense, but I never would've guessed you would be

the type to like boys," Yaoyorozu said. I start to fiddle with my pocket on my pants,

"Are you disappointed? I understand if you wouldn't want to be friends

after knowing I like boys," I say, starting to feel guilty that I told her.

"What!? Of course, I want to keep being friends with you idiot. I'm just surprised by it all. My question is, who is your crush is," Momo said. I leaned close to her ear and whispered "I like...Bakugou...". I leaned back, Momo looked at me confused, and then she was happy for me. 'At least she understands, I just...I don't know how I'm gonna tell Bakugou about my feelings for him' I thought.

"Well, this is my stop, Todo. See ya tomorrow in class!" Momo said with a smile. I simply nodded as I walked to my dorm room. Once I get there I shut the door immediately behind me. 'What am I gonna do with these feelings now....Bakugou definitely hates me now since I didn't tell him that I liked him back....' I thought as I changed into some Pajamas. When I'm done changing, I walked to my bed as I felt tired but I couldn't sleep on these thoughts I had in my head.

This Morning was different, and the fact that I didn't even get good sleep last night. I shuffle out of my bed and change into the school uniform. When I'm fully dressed I put my school shoes on and leave my dorm room to class forgetting to brush my hair. I yawn and enter the classroom with no social interaction. 'All I want is sleep' I thought. I noticed Bakugou walk into class, his normal angered expression on his face. 'He's so hot....' I thought. Blush spread across my cheeks, I looked down at my table. I yawned once more.

"Todoroki!" A voice said my last name. I looked up to see who it was Kaminari.

"Hello Kaminari," I responded. Kaminari smiled and elbowed my arm. " So you have a crush on the ol' Bakugou?" He said in my ear. 'Wait?! What?! How did you find out?! I only told Momo' I thought. I nod slightly, 'Momo if you told everyone in our class except Bakugou. I'm gonna kick her butt' I thought.

"Bro, I accidently heard Momo talking to herself that you had a crush on Bakugou," Kaminari whispered to me. I nod in response,

"Well I'm gonna help you confess your feelings," Kaminari said as he smiled. ' How are you gonna do that Kaminari' I said in my head. Kaminari explained some ideas to me, only one stuck in my head. 'Go to the blossom tree outside and Kaminari will bring Bakugou' I thought.

When class was over, Kaminari dragged me to the blossom tree outside and made me stand under it.

"Stay here! I'll grab Bakugou for you!" Kaminari said.

"Okay, I'll stay right here," I said as Kaminari smiled and ran to get Bakugou. I stood under the Blossom tree, the flower petals falling from the small wind.

After a couple of minutes, I hear Kaminari's voice and Bakugou's. A blush crept into my cheek just in the thought of Bakugou.

"C'mon Bakugou! There's someone that wants to tell you something!" Kaminari said almost pleading to Bakugou.

"WHat do you mean by that Pickachu!" Bakugou yelled at Kaminari.

"Let me show you silly! And close your eyes!" Kaminari instructed Bakugou. I heard a 'tch' sound coming from Bakugou as Kaminari led him to me. I looked at Bakugou which his eyes were closed and I blushed. The flowers falling around us,

"Now Open your eyes!" Kaminari said as Bakugou opened his eyes, I averted my eyes trying to hide a blush. 'C'mon stupid voice speak!' I thought. I looked back at Bakugou. 

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