Chapter 31 (Shoto's P.O.V.)

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I tiredly walk to the truck and sit in the passenger seat putting on my seat belt right away. Katsuki started the car setting the pickle sandwich down on top of the Glove compartment, It looked really good. I pout slightly, my stomach growling at me. Sooner or later, we drove to the doctors office and waited till we were called into our room for our appointment.

"Welcome, Has he eaten anything?" The nurse asked Katsuki. Katsuki shook his head.

"Great. Mr. Bakugou? Will you sit here?" The nurse asked me. I nodded and then sat on the chair that was soon laid back.

"Could you pull your shirt up please?" The nurse asked me. I pulled up my shirt over my small baby bump.

"Great. I'm going to put this solution on and then get the doctor so we can see the little bun in the oven," The nurse said, putting cold stuff on my belly. And then left the room. Katsuki looked really nervous. I held my hand out to him, He took it and kissed it gently and rubbed it. The doctor came in with a big smile.

"Hello Gentlemen. Let's see your little angel," She said. Grabbing the probe and said that it was going to be a bit cold. She placed it on my belly and moved it around a bit until we saw our baby.

"Just one moment there's a second heartbeat," The doctor said, moving the probe a bit more to the left showing two little babies. One little boy and girl. I smiled and then looked at Katsuki. His face was happy but surprised, I brought his hand closer to me and I kissed it gently.

"Congratulations, you're having twins. I'm surprised that we didn't detect the other little boy earlier."The doctor said with a smile as she wiped off the gel and set the chair back up.

"We'll see you in your second trimester. See you soon gentlemen," She said as Both Katsuki and I started to leave.

"Are you okay for carrying two babies?" Katsuki said, looking down at me. I nod.

"Yeah, there are our little angels," I say, putting my hand on my belly. Katsuki nodded. And then kissed my cheek. We got into the truck and I snatched the pickle sandwich and ate it happily. Katsuki chuckled and started to drive back to our apartment. When we got to our apartment there was a basket full of cookies and flowers. I picked them up.

"Hey baby. Who do you think these are from?" I ask, walking through the door. Seeing a confused Katsuki.

"What do you mean?"He responded.

"Well, I found this basket full of stuff beside our door. It says it's for you," I said, putting the basket on the counter. Katsuki opened it and let out an annoyed scowl.

"Just one of my stupid ass fans," He responded and left the room. "I'm not gonna eat those even if they're good," He continued. I looked at the cookies and then looked back at Katsuki.

"Can I eat them?" I ask, Looking at him.

"Ya, Whatever," Katsuki responded, heading into our room. I smiled softly and started to munch on the cookies.

When I was finished eating most of the cookies, I headed into our room to see Katsuki reading a book. I climbed into the bed and laid onto his lap. I heard him, hum as he patted my head. I leaned into his touch. He smiled and sooner or later I fell asleep.


"S-Stop it!"

"I'm not gonna stop!"

"I said STOP!" My fire quirk turned on and my boyfriend was burned on his forearm. I didn't want to have kids at 12...I ran as fast as I could out of his room as I ran to my house and took a shower to feel clean.After that i didn't speak to my boyfriend ever again,'

I woke up, Katsuki snuggled up against me. I smile, and caress his cheek. 'I love you Suki' I thought to myself as I snuggled Katsuki...


Sorry, it's a short chapter today. 

I'll update soon :)

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