Chapter 2 (Bakugou's P.O.V.)

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'This is so annoying. Being partnered up with someone that most likely hates me,' I thought as I walk up and down the halls trying to find the creation freak. I start to feel impatient because this whole thing is taking too long. I turn off my microphone, so I don't hurt icy-hot's ears, and then yell-

"DAMN IT PONYTAIL! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" After I yelled that she finally appeared, making me smirk. 'Let's end this' I thought as I created a large explosion with my hands. She dodges and reflects, knocking my earpiece and microphone off the side of my head. I look at her and give out a low growl, as I get into a fighting stance before attacking her and blasting her with another explosion. 'Damn icy-hot you better touch that bomb sooner rather than later' I thought as I continued to fight Yaoyorozu. 'This is getting annoying—'

"Quit dodging me and fight me for real!!" I yell, interrupting my thoughts.

Momo was about to fight you but the timer stopped and Aizawa yelled " Villains Won!!" I let my arms fall to my side so I could catch my breath. After I do, I pick up the pin that goes on one of my gauntlets and put it back in its place. Before I leave the building I look back at Yaoyorozu and make a 'tch' noise. When I get out of the building, notice my "partner" already out. I stared at him before attempting to walk past him, but when I was about to pass him, he put his hand on my shoulder stopping me in my tracks.

"What happened to you? Why didn't you answer me?" He kept asking all these annoying questions, until he reached his hand up to my cheek surprising me.

"-And what happened to your face?" He asked wiping some blood off my face. I try not to blush as I quickly slap his hand away from me.

"That's none of your business, besides, why do you even care? You don't even Like me!" I start as I rip myself away from him and turn away from him. "It was stupid of me to even believe you would like me back," I finish in a mumble, before walking off pissed and into the recovery girl's office to heal my scratch.

"Hello Young man what's supposed to be your problem?" Recovery girl asked. I look at her and sit on the bed.

"I just have a scratch, just do what you gotta do. Kiss is better or

whatever and then I'll be out of here" I respond sarcastically.

"C'mere and let this ol' lady give ya a smooooch" the recovery girl said as she kissed the side of my head. When she finished I walked out disgusted. After healing my scratch, I make my way down to the changing rooms to get out of my hero costume and into my school clothes.

After I get dressed, I make my way to my next hour. When I get there, I walk in like usual and ignore everyone as I sit down in my seat.

"Hey Bakubro!" Kirishima shouted, skipping to your seat.

"What?" I ask annoyed, wanting this day to be over already.

"You did great back there Bakubro!" Kirishima said with a big smile.

"I told you to quit calling me that, shit for hair," I answer him, avoiding

the topic, and trying to avoid thinking about icy-hot.

" I told you this a million times as well Bakubro! It's your nickname like you call me Shittyhair and stuff," Kirishima exclaimed.

"Whatever man, but leave me alone. I'm tired and I want this day to be over already," I say to him putting my head down, hoping that he'll cut his annoying crap and leave me alone.

"Sure whatever you say Bakubro!" Kirishima said as he walked to his seat. Once he leaves I keep my head down, zoning everyone out and maybe get some sleep. I didn't care if I got in trouble, all I cared about was getting the day over with.

Sooner or later I wake up still in the classroom, but class is over. I sigh and start to stand up and pack up, so I could hurry and get to my dorm room and sleep the rest of the day off.

Before I hurried off to my dorm room I could hear a conversation down the hall. It sounded like Icy-hot and Ponytail, from what I could depict from their voices.

"Do you have any crushes Todoroki?" Ponytail asks Icy-hot

"Yeah, I do. And also Momo....I'm gay," Icy-hot responded. After I heard that I was surprised, and so was Yaoyorozu by the sound of her voice. Although I shouldn't be eavesdropping on them, I kept quiet and kept listening anyway.

"Woah really!? No offense, but I never would've guessed you would be the type to like boys," Yaoyorozu said, surprised.

"Are you disappointed? I understand if you wouldn't want to be friends after knowing I like boys," Icy-hot starts to say.

"What!? Of course I want to keep being friends with you idiot. I'm just surprised by it all. My question is, is who your crush is," ponytail says and asks at the same time. Her question cues my attention, so I listen closely and intently. I even moved closer to the corner and peeked over to see, but all I saw was icy-hot whispering in her ear. After that icy-hot bastard gave her his answer she looked confused and then happy for him. 'If she's happy, then he definitely doesn't like me back,' I thought in my head as I turn around and head the opposite and longer way to my dorm. 'Who was I kidding?' I ask myself, gritting my teeth.

When I finally made it to my dorm room, I put my bag on my desk, and then sat down on my bed, looking down at the floor.

"Today was shit, which made me feel like shit. This whole love thing is just a waste of time and space. This is stupid," I say to myself. All a sudden I punch a corner of my bed adding an explosion, causing the wood to break and to get my anger out. I knew that wasn't the only way to get my anger out, but I wasn't going to cry over some stupid thing like this. At least that's what I thought until I felt warm liquids run down my cheeks.

"What the hell? I'm crying? How pathetic," I tell myself trying to stop,but it won't. So instead I just lay down in my bed and just sleep it off, hoping that I'll feel better by morning.

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