Chapter 37 (Shoto's P.O.V.)

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I watched Sho and Suki apologize, the soft sunshine pierced through the window. I got off the bed softly bringing my empty bowl to the kitchen, suddenly I could hear the twins start to cry so I went to their room. And softly pick up Kim,

"Hey..Kimmy..Shhh..Your okay.." I said softly in my normal monotone voice. Kim softly stopped crying, holding my shirt softly.

"Are you hungry Kimmy?" I asked softly. I looked at her. She soon started to stop crying, when she was suckling at my shirt. I lift up my shirt over her head and let her drink my milk. There was a sudden pain when she did, I lifted her up to see that she had her first tooth coming out. She made happy baby noises, as I held her. She made happy coos as she gently patted my cheek. I went to see if Keith was awake but he was sleeping soundlessly. I went back to where Katsuki was.

"Hey suki? Kimmy is teething,"I said as I walked through the door that they were asleep. I try and smile but it didn't end like I wanted it to. I went back to place the sleeping Kim back in her crib and join Sho and Katsuki in bed. I noticed that Suki was laying on his back so he could snuggle and hold both of us. I tried to smile but I didn't exactly know how to exactly. I lay my head on his chest.

I yawn, right at the point when Suki's alarm started to ring off. I close my eyes, the blaring noise in my ear. I glare at it, wanting it to stop. Katsuki woke up, and smacked the alarm clock pretty hard. I'm surprised that it still works. He notices that I am awake.

"Morning baby," I said quietly. Suki looks my way and sighs.

"G'Morning," he says in his grumbling tone of voice as he gets up out of the bed.

When he did I could tell why he was a bit grumpy. Me and my other self are still separated. I looked down at the bed sheets, and then to my other self. My other half was sleeping soundlessly, covered in blankets. I look over to Katsuki who came out in his hero costume. I guess I couldn't help but blush as he walked out in his tight clothing. I take the covers off myself and walk towards him to fix something that was out of place.

"Thanks, stay out of trouble today, in fact, don't leave the house, ok?"

He asks me.

"Okay, Don't hurt yourself too badly," I responded, looking up at him.

"Yeah yeah," he averts his eyes for a moment. "Watch over each other

while I'm gone, understand?" He asks me as he looks back down at me.

"I understand," I said, with a somewhat smile, I blink and my face goes back to my neutral face. I then felt Suki's thumb on my chin as he lifted my head to face him.

"Don't push yourself too hard to be like your other self. Just be you ok?"

He tells me as his other hand slowly takes mine. I nod trying not to look lovestruck on what he's about to do next.

"Good," he says as he bends over and kisses my forehead. "I'll be back

later this evening," he said before walking out of the room and closing the door quietly.

"Alright.." I mumbled, I went to go wake up my other side but I could just clean the whole apartment without help. And then my other side can play with the twins. I opened the door, and grabbed the cleaning supplies that were in the small hallway closet. I carried the cleaning supplies into the kitchen and started to wash the kitchen floors.

I lifted my head, finally finished with the tile, it took me about an hour just to get the somewhat blood stains and baby food out of the tile cracks. I ran my hand though the water, washing my hands. I heard my other side come out, stumbling into the kitchen.

"Hello," My other side mumbled. I handed him his coffee, like I have done it a million times before. He smiled, and curled his cold hands over the mug.

"Thank you," He said and he took a drink of his mug. Soft ice crystals formed on the bridge of the cup. I picked up the cleaning supplies, putting the dirty rags in the laundry bin.

"What would you like me to do?" My other side asked me, I turned to face him.

"Just keep the twins fed and entertained," I said my voice going into my stupid monotone voice. My other self smiled and went to work. I bit my lip, and my head started to wander. My eyes stared into space for a while while I worked on putting the cleaning supplies away. My other side came into the hallway, holding the sleeping twins in his arm.

"Kim is wide awake..Keith is still asleep," He mumbled. Holding the twins in each of his arms, Kim was patting my other side's arm happily. Keith was asleep, I tried to smile but it just ended in a not so good smile.

"I'll feed Kim, Could you hold Keith?" My other side asked, I nodded as he handed me Keith. Keith clutched onto my shirt, liking my warmth. I petted his head, filled with soft spiky hair of blonde and bits of red.

It's 7 pm, Me and my other side were watching a boring comedy show on the small TV. Kim and Keith were already asleep in their crib. I felt a heavy pull, against me and my other side. I frowned, and looked away from the TV. My other side turned to me and touched my hand. The pull started to grow bigger, and sooner or later everything went black.

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