Chapter 38 (Katsuki's P.O.V.)

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'Fuck! I'm late! Those damn extras kept me past my due time! Grrrr, I

hope icy-hot isn't worrying so much!' I thought in my head as I quickly ripped my mask and gauntlets off my body and threw them in the car and started to drive home.

When I got home I unlocked the door to find a very quiet house. A bit too quiet for my comfort, so I quietly started to look around the house for anyone, just in case anyone was sleeping. I smiled to myself when I saw my two demons sleeping in their crib, but my smile soon faded when I noticed that Sho was not in his bed.

"Sho? Shoto where are you?" I asked the house in a yelled whisper, but with no reply. I ran out of our room and into the kitchen, but still nothing until I saw the top of the redhead on the floor of the living room. I sighed and walked over to him.

"Jesus, don't scare me like tha—" I started until I realized that there weren't two Shoto's anymore, instead they had fused back together again. I felt a bit of happiness that he's finally back to normal, but now I was a bit worried about the position he's laying on the floor. 'How the hell can he sleep like that?' I ask myself, as I try not to laugh as I bend down and shake him a bit as I pick him up in my arms and carry him to our room. As I do that he makes small noises in his sleep, which makes me smile and feel all the more reason to love him.

Once in our bed, both safe and sound, I walk around the apartment,

making sure all of the doors are locked, and the lights are off before I join my teddy bear into bed, sleeping soundly.

Morning sunlight peeks through the window, hitting the blankets softly with warmth. I peeked my eyes open, seeing my husband. Pressed up against me, his duo color hair shimmering in the morning light. I couldn't help but smile to myself, until I heard my alarm go off which made me quickly hit it so it wouldn't wake him up as well. Unsurprisingly I broke the damn thing again, and it broke into tiny pieces. I made a 'Tch' noise as I looked back down at my husband. He was cuddled up in the blankets, seeking warmth. I went in and pulled him closer, holding him close. I closed my eyes, smiling softly until the twins started to cry. I furrowed my eyebrows, but reluctantly got up. I got off the bed, setting a couple more blankets onto Sho. I walked into the two little demon's room. Looking down at the twins, Kim was awake. Keith was crying because he was woken up. Keith reached out to me, opening and closing his hands. I picked him up, his blue grey eyes filled with tears. I wiped his tears off his cheek, Kim was standing in her crib. Bouncing her legs in happiness,

"Daba," Kim mumbled as she made her first word. My eyes widened as she spoke her first word.

"Y-Yeah that's right! I'm daba!" I respond happily as I picked her up as well, carrying both monsters in my arms. I then walked into our room and opened the door and only saw an empty bed. I heard the water running in the shower. Knowing that he has awoken, I decided to place both children on our bed so they can play and distract each other while we wait for Shoto to get out.

There was a soft click when the door opened. Shoto came out wrapped in a towel. Kim and Keith made happy baby noises,

"Hi sweethearts," Shoto said as he bowed down to kiss their tiny heads. Shoto turned to me, with a smile.

"Hi Baby," He said sweetly. I grin back.

"Good morning my dear, guess who said their first word?" I ask, watching his reaction.

"Was it Keith?" He guessed, looking down at both of the little monsters. I shake my head and point to Kim, who is basically bouncing on the bed.

"Really? That's Great! I wish that I saw it." He said, smiling as he turned around to get dressed. I couldn't help myself but stare in awe as he did.

"You'll get to sometime today, most likely while I'm at work," I respond, as I play with Keith's messy hair. He nodded as he changed into new clean clothes.

"Suki, The hero agency called me before I took my shower that I'll be joining you today for work," Shoto said as he turned to me.

"We'll have to ask one of our friends to see if they'd like to babysit the twins," Shoto added, before I had a chance to speak. I was about to talk back, but I decided to keep my mouth shut, for the children's ears sake. Instead I nod my head and take my phone walking out to the hallway and call up either Kirishima or Mina, to see if either one of them are off today. Thankfully shit for hair was and was happy to babysit. After the call, I turn my phone off and walk back into our room to get changed.

"Shi— kirishima said he'll babysit for us," I tell Shoto, catching myself before I curse in front of the kids.

"That's great," Shoto muttered as he put his belt onto his hero costume. He bent over to the twins and mumbled something to them. I look at him and then the twins, confused as I start to dress myself in my somewhat tight hero outfit, that is, until I heard Kim's voice again.

"Ahma!" She yells as she grabs Shoto's face in her hands. Shoto chuckled as Kim's fingers were pressed against his face. I smiled at the sight before opening the closet door and taking out my gauntlets and my spiky mask. Kim patted Shoto's face, Keith was holding Kim's hand. Keith was shyly mumbling baby talk. When I set the gauntlets on the ground, I get on one knee as I bend over to the two children.

"Who's excited to hang out with uncle kirishima?" I asked them, attempting to make my voice sound excited. Kim let go of Shoto's face, and squealed as she patted the bed.

"kpima," Keith mumbled, as he hid behind Kim. I grinned as I was readying myself that Keith's first words were shitty hair's name. I ruffled Kim and Keith's hair before standing up.

"Make sure you be good and watch over each other alright?" I tell them and ask them at the same time. Kim nodded as she hit her hand onto Keith's cheek. Keith jumped at the sudden movement of his sister, but he gained enough courage to do the same. I chuckled before taking sho's hand in mine. I kissed it and left the room, so I could finish getting ready. I grab my gauntlets and set them on the table before grabbing a small breakfast for Sho and I before we leave. While I was doing that, I heard someone knock on the door. I went towards the door, opening it to see Shitty hair.

"Hey Bakubro!" He shouted with excitement, then there was some yellow hair behind Shitty hair. Shoto came up behind me, holding the twins in his arms.

"Hello Kirishima, Here's the Twins. There things are in their room on the left of the restroom," Shoto added, his arms hesitating to give Kirishima the little demons. Kirishima held Kim and Keith,

"Kaminari and I will do our best to protect these little beans," Kirishima said, Shoto smiled softly and nodded. Keith looked at Shoto, and started to freak out.

"Maha," Keith cried, Shoto looked at him. He bit his lip, and went forward to kiss them Goodbye.

"See ya Later Sh--Kirishima," I said, as I grabbed Sho's hand and led him to my truck.

On the way to the hero agency, Shoto was probably freaking out because it's his first time leaving the twins alone with someone. I just hope that Shoto and I can work a shorter shift today. Before we leave the car into the heat of the outside, I take shoto's hand in mine and kiss the top of it.

"Hey, everything's gonna be alright. They're gonna be just fine. Just breath," I tell him caressing his cheek with my other hand, bringing his head to mine. I lean my forehead on his. Shoto takes in two deep breaths and then relaxes. He then nods and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks Suki," he says, smiling. I grin his way and ruffle his hair.

"Anytime icy-hot".

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