Chapter 9 (Todoroki's P.O.V.)

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When the next morning came, I was so happy it wasn't a school day,

because, for one thing I slept in, and the other, I woke up to see my boyfriend sleeping next to me. I remember clearly what happened the night before, but I didn't think he was serious about him staying with me the whole time. I'm not complaining, but it was unexpected. So unexpected that I started to blush really hard again. I didn't know what else to do but hide my blush in his chest, so I gently wrapped my arms around him and snuggled my face in his chest. I felt him starting to move and I was worried that I might've woken him up, but instead I felt him take a deep breath in as he moved his arm further down my back, bringing me closer before letting out his breath and a small moany-grumble. I couldn't help myself but blush as we cuddled together and slept together. It made me feel warm and happy.

When I woke up again it seemed around mid-day, I yawned as I looked up to see my boyfriends ruby red eyes. I smiled softly as I laid my head on his chest again.

"What do you want for your late breakfast?" he asked me softly. I look up again,

"Surprise me," I say as I felt him letting go of me, 'No! Stay! I want to cuddle you more!' I thought as I sat up slightly. I watch him as he makes breakfast in the small kitchen I have. When he was finished he brought a tray to me filled with breakfast.

"What's this?" I ask him, looking confused. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"It's called breakfast in bed?" he responded with a confused look on his face. I nod and start to eat. 'He's a really good cook!' I say to myself as I ate his food he made for me. I smile softly when I am done, He took the tray back to the kitchen and placed it in the sink.

"What do you want to do today, Bakugou?" I ask him as he comes back drying his hand off. He climbed back into bed and started to hug me.

"Does that answer your question Icy-hot?" He says, I nod quickly as I slip down to lay down with him. I look up at him and quickly give him a kiss. He put his hand on my cheek as I closed my eyes, feeling good in his embrace and kiss..

We both break away for a breath as we then start to cuddle again. 'I love you..' I say in my head as I lay my head on his chest. Bakugou rubbed my back as he took out his phone to an app.

"What do you want to watch Icy-hot?" He asks me as he slowly flipped through some movies and tv shows.

"You can choose.." I responded as he clicked on a movie so we can both watch.

When the movie was over, Bakugou had to go back to his dorm so I gave him a goodbye kiss even though I wanted him to stay but I let him go. I walk back into my dorm and text Momo if she wants to hang out. She said that she would love to, so I changed into a blue shirt with black jeans as I hurried along down to meet Momo.

"Hey Momo!" I say running to her with a small smile on my face. She smiles and brings me into a hug.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask her letting go of her

"How about we go shopping?" She responded, I nod and we go to the mall close to the school. We both shopped for an hour, until Momo saw Iida and she was trying to hide everywhere dragging me with her.

"Momo! Can you please stop dragging me?" I said, making her stop, Momo looked at me with a scared look in her eyes. I sigh and bring her into a hug.

"Momo tell me why you're acting so strange around Iida?" I ask her. She looks at me letting go of me.

"I'm scared of telling him my feelings," Momo said. I sigh and smile, and take her to Iida and explain to him why we've been avoiding him. He nods understanding.

When we were done with the mall I went back to the dorm building, while Momo is on a date with Iida. I walk to Bakugou's dorm room and knock on his door. 

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