Morbid Meal

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Aikos pov

We all sat in silence eating our meal. We felt depressed, terrified! Why shouldn't we be? We all dropping like flies and any one of us could be next! But of course hitori with his new jizt for life had to try and motivate us!

"hey guys I know things are grim but we just gotta keep our head up! Things will eventually be ok I know they will!"

"shut up" Alice muttered.


"shut up!" she screamed "honey words like everything's going to be ok isn't going to cut it down here! We're all getting killed one by one! I'm probably going to be next! No no I don't want to die!" she burst into tears and ran away.

"Alice hold on!" karu ran after her. Since when did they become friends? Everyone glared at hitori. He looked down sadly.

"did I screw up?" he asked me.

"nah everyone's just in a shitty mood" I said reassuringly.

He grinned again "your right everyone's just upset but I know we can get past this! We can do anything if we try hard enough! I'm gonna do my best cause I know that's what Jim would have wanted me to do"

I smiled at him. He sure has grown since jims death. Makes me feel like everything will really be okay.

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