Chapter 2: The Start of Mischief and Mayhem

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Loki lingered in a seat of an otherwise empty compartment in the Hogwarts-Express looking out of the window. He had been on the train early, and his compartment was at the very far end of the train, so it was unlikely that he would be disturbed any time soon. Therefore, he watched the crowd now while sucking a candy cane he popped up earlier.

His gaze fell on a pale blond boy that talked to a tall man with the same blond hair only longer. It was evident that it was his father. The man had a cane in his right hand with a snakehead as a handle. Loki smiled before he snapped with his fingers and the walking stick mutated into a real snake, which instantly started to crook. The man threw the animal away from himself, looking at it in disgust while the people around him began to shriek and jump away. Loki snickered.

Then his view fell on a group of redheads, from which two identically looking ones laughed their ass off at the performance he did with the blond man.

'Hmmm whether these are the twins who worship me?' he asked himself.

One of the twins looked in his direction, so Loki waved at him with a broad grin. The first twin poked the second one, said something to him and then pointed in Loki's direction. They both then disappeared into the train.

'Well, it looks like I'll find out very soon.'

He let his view glide over the masses on the train station again when he saw the boy he came for. Black wild hair, green eyes and...wait, he was far too thin for how an average boy his age should be. Loki narrowed his eyes and hoped that his suspicion was wrong when suddenly the compartment door opened, and the two redheads came in.

"Have you been,"

"the one,"

"pranking the older Malfoy?" they asked, performing a perfect twin-speak.

Loki grinned. "A prankster never confirms, nor denies any accusations and only makes counter-accusations. You know there is a time and place for the truth," he answered.

"The time is never."

"And the place nowhere."

All three broke out in loud laughter.

"You pal,"

"have to be our friend."

"Who are you anyway?"

"Because you are,"

"not a second year or above,"

"and no one else we know."

"Loki Laufeyson, at your service," he replied with a bow towards them and a snicker at the performance they both gave him.

On that statement, both their mouth flew open so fast and wide that Loki feared they wouldn't be able to shut them ever again.

"Don't tell us that you are."

"The one."

"The only."

"The absolute best."

"God of mischief,"


"and absolute awesomeness!?"

"Well, the last time I checked there wasn't another one. Not within this universe anyway but that's something different."

With that, he conjured three lollipops, gave two to the twins and popped the third into his mouth.

"Our prayers have been heard."

"But why are you here?"

"To be honest, I've been bored...badly. My latest pranking targets were more inclined to kill me than enjoying my pranks. Everything else seemed dull. When I heard that a certain lad will attend Hogwarts from this year on, I also knew you would be here, I thought, the hell why not..." Loki told them with a shrug.

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