Chapter 43: About the Horror of "Frilly Pink with Unicorns"!

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"So, where is he?" James asked.

"He managed to land in Lucifer's cage. Don't ask me how he got in there. Still, he drained his magic by teleporting there and needs to recuperate before he can attempt to teleport out again," Loki explained.

"Wait...WHAT? You want to tell me that my son landed in Lucifer's cage? As in Lucifer, the devil? Satan? The ultimate evil?" Lily spoke up, her voice showing her fear and panic.

However, nearly everyone bar Hermione looked at her as if she lost it. Only Hermione had an inkling where the woman came from with her exclamation.

"There are a lot of things I would call Lucifer, but evil is not one of them," Loki finally told her, a bit confused.

"Lily, Loki is right. Lucifer is an archangel banned from heaven and undeniably dark, but why do you think that he's evil?" Sirius asked, equally confused as Loki but also a bit curious.

"But the Bible...?" Lily asked, dumbfounded that no one thought like her.

That was what made Loki laugh. "That trash piece of a drunkard?" he brought out between bouts of laughter. "You could call that shit fiction at best and utter nonsense at worst. Yes, Lucifer is an archangel, and yes, he was banned from heaven, not to mention that he created the demons. Still, his banishment was because of a quarrel with Michael that got out of hand. So, what makes you think that he's evil?"

Lily opened and closed her mouth, not knowing what to say to that. All she thought she knew about Lucifer was all she learned during her religion lessons at school before Hogwarts.... But, unfortunately, what Lily knew, didn't paint the fallen angel in a good light. But now Loki said that everything that she thought she knew was false? It came as quite a shock, to say the least.

"Won't Harry be in danger when with him? As you said, he'll have to wait for some time before he can try to get out again," she finally said.

"Well, according to Crowley, who was the one who saw Harry in the cage when he went to talk to Lucifer, Lucifer isn't exactly happy to have Harry with him. Yet, he leaves Harry alone. So they are basically ignoring each other," Loki said with a shrug. "He's safe, and that is what counts for me. The best is that Zachariah won't be able to get to him either."

"But can you be sure that it stays that way?" James spoke up.

Loki sighed deeply. "I doubt that something will change any time soon, but I talked with Crowley, we agreed that it would be best if he regularly checks on them."

James began to pace. "I can only hope that nothing will happen. What if Harry cannot get out again on his own?" He asked with an anxious look.

"Well...," Loki began. "I honestly don't know. No one can get into the cage as long as it is sealed. We would have to wait until all needed seals are broken before I could get in there to get him out."

"So, if Harry cannot get out on his own, he would be stuck in there for Merlin knows how long? What about the difference in the speed of time? What if we need weeks or months to break all seals? How long will that be for my baby?" Lily now was really freaking out.

"It would be years for him, and I honestly don't know what I would do then. But what do you expect me to do? As I said, no one can get in there. This has never happened before! Lucifer's cage is bloody impenetrable!"

Loki heavily sat down on the sill of the shop window behind him. Everyone could see how worried he was again after realising just what that little trip could mean for Harry. Loki didn't want to imagine what might happen, should Harry not be able to get back. It could be, as he said, years for Harry before he might be able to get out again.

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