Chapter 33: MACUSA has Fallen

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Loki blinked a few times gaping at the banner when he heard a shout coming from some distance to the right.

"LOKI LAUFEYSON!" a man, who looked similar to a more warrior-like Dumbledore with a shorter beard and hair as well as an eyepatch, shouted. "SHOW YOURSELF!"

Right at that exact same moment, a few pops sounded off to their left and four clearly magical people appeared before they swarmed out after a few words from their leader.

"Oh shit!" Loki cursed before he vanished into thin air, leaving a surprised Harry behind.

By now, Harry was used to the pagan's antics, shrugged when an evil idea occurred to him. He turned towards the banner. After a few moments, the lettering was added to, a second one appearing beneath it.


That earned him an angry roar from the man off to the right who now frantically looked over the assembled people evidently trying to find the culprit. When he didn't see him in the nearby vicinity, he stormed off away from Harry. The magicals though, had not such a hard time finding the culprit as they were collectively walking towards him now.

"Hi, can I help you?" Harry asked with an innocent smile that might have fooled Dumbledore but obviously not the four people in front of him.

"Hello, name's Marcel Reynard. I'm the Head Auror of the DMLE of MACUSA. Were you the one to conjure the banner that is currently covering the White House?" the leader of the four asked him.

"Okay, I'll just pretend that I understood anything from what you just said," Harry retorted with a snort. He knew what an Auror was and the DMLE but who or what the hell MACUSA was he had no idea of. "What makes you think that it was me?"

Reynard raised an eyebrow at him before he started to explain. The man obviously thought Harry was a magical born to No-Majs as the Americans tended to call the Muggles. Or that Harry was at least someone unfamiliar with the American government structure. "An Auror is someone you could say akin to a police officer while the DMLE is the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. MACUSA is the Magical Congress of the United States that handles all the magical and otherwise supernatural affairs here in the States. Clear so far?"

Harry nodded, giving the man a glare that clearly asked him whether he thought him stupid.

"Good. Now, did you conjure this banner up?" he asked again.

"And if I did it? What's the problem?"

The Auror sighed deeply. "Listen, you cannot just conjure up something like that in front of so many No-Majs, this is dangerous and could end up in the revelation of our world to them. Moreover, do you have any idea who Loki really is?"

"What do you mean who Loki is? I know very well who he is," Harry retorted. A sneer gracing his face that could have rivalled the one his favourite potions professor liked to dish out when someone was incredibly dense.

"Kid, I know that Loki sounds like the best pagan god out there with all the pranks he plays. But believe me, he isn't as cool as he looks, he's dangerous," he explained while crouching down so that he was at eye level with Harry.

"So you want to tell me that he isn't the funny guy I made friends with? The one person who's saved my life multiple times? The one who got rid of my relatives so that I won't have to return to them ever again?" Harry asked challengingly.

"He what?" one of the other Aurors choked out.

"Oh the horror, it's such a shock. He killed my relatives," he deadpanned. "My relatives who treated me worse than the poorest house-elf, who beat me since I could think, who called me a freak and an abomination. You don't like Loki? Well, I do. Now go bugger off."

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