Chapter 44: Little Loony Luna

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It took Harry until the evening of that day until he remembered that yes, he had a smartphone and yes, messenger apps work on that damned thing.

They had returned to Potter manor after they finished their shopping trip, where they had dinner before Harry excused himself, his exhaustion slowly taking over. So, he retired to the room he got assigned – his room...his very own place! – and began to rummage in his bag for his night clothes when his phone fell out. He blinked a few times before he hit his forehead with his flat hand. How could he have forgotten about that?

Once he stopped cursing under his breath for his obliviousness, he grabbed the phone, jumped on his bed and quickly installed the needed app. When he opened the app, he already saw the waiting friendship request and had to snort. Harry gave Lucifer the alias she would find him under before he left.

The fallen girl, how unimaginative.

Anyway, he had an archangel to chat with. So he quickly typed in a greeting before putting the phone aside for a moment to get dressed for bed. A quick trip to the bathroom later, and he already had an answer waiting.

"Took you long enough!" was the retort.

Harry could only snort at the apparent impatience. "Already missing me?"

"You wish...."

"Maybe!" Harry typed with a broad grin.

It seemed to Harry that Lucifer didn't know how to react to that since she changed the topic.

"What took you so long?" was the question.

With that, Harry sat down and told her about what happened once he was back in the alley and whatever else happened afterwards. They talked for some time when a knock echoed through the room. The door opened to reveal Loki, who looked worriedly over to Harry.

"Hey, everything alright?" he asked Harry while walking over to Harry.

On the other hand, Harry quickly told Lucifer that he had a visitor before he placed the phone on the bed next to him. Loki raised an eyebrow when he saw that.

"So, the wards on the cage fried your laptop, but your phone is still working?" he asked in disbelief.

Oops! Harry looked at Loki sheepishly for being caught with the lie.

"Yeah, actually...," he said while looking at his hands in his lap. "I didn't want to admit it earlier, not to worry you even more. But it was Lucifer who destroyed the laptop when I annoyed her too much with it."

Harry looked up with an apologetic smile.

"You annoyed Lucifer?" Loki asked incredulously, not even realising that Harry referred to Lucifer as her.

"Hey, I was in that damned cage for over a week. I was bored!" Harry retorted.

"You...I don't know what to say," Loki said while throwing his arms up in bewilderment. "I'm just glad that you're alright. You are alright, aren't you? Don't lie to me!"

"I am alright, Loki. Lucifer didn't touch me or do anything to me. She just smashed my laptop. Looks like she isn't a fan of brass music," Harry told him with a grin.

No, to Harry's surprise, Lucifer was more the classic music type and surprisingly Medieval Rock. Though Harry had to admit that it was somewhat soothing.

That made Loki laugh. "Only you would even think about annoying Lucifer with such music. However, I suggest you sleep soon. You look exhausted."

Right at that moment, the mobile vibrated, and the display showed a new message. Before Harry could do anything, Loki snatched the phone and was reading the message. Harry pouted but didn't say anything, knowing very well that it would be futile to stop Loki. Since they hadn't written about anything that would give away the person's identity who was corresponding with Harry, it wasn't as if there was any reason to try.

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