Chapter 3: The Sorting

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Harry and Loki leaned against the stair railing while Neville stood opposite them, his toad safely in his hands. They chattered when the blond boy with two square-shouldered bodyguards stepped next to them. It seemed he had dried himself or got dried by someone else, Loki neither knew nor cared.

"So, you are the famous Harry Potter. My name is Draco Malfoy," he introduced himself with an arrogance in his voice that let Neville huff.

Draco turned around to him. "And you, round face, dull eyes, Neville Longbottom I assume. My father said that it was even questionable whether you are a real wizard or only a squib."

"That is coming from someone who isn't even able to ride a boat properly without any incident," Loki retorted while narrowing his eyes. The other two snickered.

"And who would you be?" Draco demanded to know.

"Loki Laufeyson and if I were you, I'd be really cautious whom I make my enemy."

"That's more likely what I'd say to Potter. It seems that your companions do not fit a boy of your reputation. I could help you sort that out," he said while holding out his hand.

However, Harry just broke out into laughter.

"I think I can manage myself pretty well but thank you."

On hearing that, Draco growled before returning to his other friends.

"I'm sure as hell going to teach you both trickster magic if only to prank the living shit out of that ass," Loki snickered while snapping with his fingers.

Draco suddenly sported red hair and worn clothes. To put the icing on the cake, Professor McGonagall just stepped through the door and behind him.

"Mr Weasley," she said while tapping on his shoulder with the scroll in her hand.

"What did you just call me?" he growled offended while turning around only to be met with the not very amused face of the stern professor. "Oh, I apologise I thought you were someone else."

"Mr Malfoy?" she raised an eyebrow at his appearance but did not say anything else.

"Well, I hope everyone is ready because the sorting is about to start. Form a line and follow me," with that McGonagall turned around and walked through the door into the great hall.

Harry was fascinated by the sight of hundreds of candles floating in the air and the masses of students. On the other hand, Loki was only mildly impressed by the ceiling, enchanted to show the sky outside. Neville looked nervous, not noticing any of that. They heard the bushy-haired girl holding a monologue about something, but they didn't listen.

"Please stay down there," Professor McGonagall said and waited for the last students to arrive.

Behind her on a four-legged chair laid an old and dirty looking wizarding hat. When all the new students gathered a rip opened, the hat began to sing so off-key that Loki quickly tuned it out. Even Harry and Neville tried not to listen. When the hat had finished the hall burst into applause, which Loki flinched at. It seemed that wizards had no idea, what good music was. Somewhere Ron muttered something about wrestling a troll when Professor McGonagall stepped forward with a long parchment floating in front of her.

"I'll now call out your name. When I do so, you step up here, sit on the chair, and I put the hat on you for you to get sorted. Abbot, Hannah!" she called out.

The girl went up and did as the professor said.

"Hufflepuff!" the hat called out after a few seconds.

It went on while Loki took the time to look around for the next target when his gaze fell upon one of the teachers. It was a man in violet robes and a violet turban on his head. He didn't know why, but that man gave him the creeps.

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