•Chapter 39•

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"This isn't gonna work."

"Reg, you don't know that. This could be the answer to all our problems."

"We wouldn't have any problems if we all just stayed dead. At least we wouldn't have to constantly manipulate the living."

"Fighting isn't going to help us in this situation." Alex was sick of the fights that the two had been having, and it showed.

Reggie and Luke had been fighting for a few days since everyone got back, it was hard to hear, but they needed to get their anger out in some way. The idea of using a time turner in the cabinet was a complete failure, as seen by the first test run that Alex did.

"Yeah well, you can leave if this is such a bother to you." Luke didn't mean what he was saying, but I could tell that he couldn't really control what he was saying.

"I can't leave, god knows what you would do to her if I did leave."

"I wouldn't hurt her!"

"You always hurt people in your life, luke. Everyone who's ever shown you some kind of love, is either dead or insane. I can't let you do that to her."

Reggie starts walking toward the entrance, obviously to get some air, before things get too heated. When Luke extends his arm, and shouts "CRUCIO!"

As soon as I hear it, I jump in front of Reggie, not wanting Luke to regret, hurting one of his only friends. And instantly I regret my decision. Unbearable pain rakes through my body, causing deafening screams to escape my mouth.

I already knew that Luke was in shock, from what had happened, so I could only assume that I would be in excruciating pain for a while.

The pain was very quickly proved to be too much to handle, when I finally closed my eyes, and blacked out - but not before hearing the loud voices of Alex and Reggie, screaming for me to get up.


As I flicker my eyes open, a bright light is shining directly in my face, I lift my hand, hoping to shade myself from some of the harshness.

My body feels stiff and swollen. I still remember the feeling of laying on that floor, screaming my lungs out, because of the feeling that my skin was slowly being burned off, all while my insides were being doused in some kind of lethal chemical.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think that would actually work." A familiar voice says. Whoever it is, lowers the light, which I soon find out is actually my wand.

"That's my wand." My voice is light, yet raspy.

"Yes it is. I was just testing it out. I haven't had one of these in nearly twenty years. Feels strange to have one in my hands again."

"Why haven't you had a wand?"

"I lost it in the war."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, he sounded like he was quite young - older then me, but definitely young, so how was he fighting in the war?

"Can I have my wand back?" I watch as he steps out from behind the darkness, and walks forward. Finally revealing his face.


"How do you know my name?" He was clearly shocked that I knew who he was, but I had just seen him a few days ago- at the burrow, so why was it such a big surprise.

"You're my uncle? I have to know your name, and the fact that we met for the first time a few weeks ago."

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but we've never met, I haven't spoken to anyone except McGonagall, since I died."

"I brought you back a few days ago? How can you not remember that."

"I'm sorry kid, but Whoever you brought back, definitely wasn't me."

"Why would he pretend to be you?"

"I don't know kid."

How can someone be pretending to be Fred? That's just wrong on so many levels. I wonder if uncle George knows, if he doesn't, I need to send him a letter soon - to warn him.

We sit in silence for a while, before Fred finally speaks up once again.

"So, you're my niece?"

"Yeah I am."

"Which Weasley are you from?" He puts his upper arms on the bed, and holds his face up with his hands.

"The only female, Ginny."

"Wow, I always knew she would have a kid, but I never thought I would be able to meet them."

"She actually had three, I have two older brothers." Fred looks amazed at the realization that he has three nieces and nephews.

"Alright Mr Weasley, I think that Miss Potter could use some rest now."

McGonagall was standing a few feet away from the bed I was currently sat in. When I turned to look at Fred again, he was staring directly at me, his mouth and eyes were both wide open - in shock.


"Potter? Ginny married Harry Potter."

"Mr Weasley, everybody could see how in love those two were, even before the war." McGonagall laughed.

"I know, but I mean, my sister is with Harry Potter."

"Mr Weasley, I need to speak to miss Potter alone now, so if you will give us some privacy please."

"Harry Potter, the boy who lived, married my sister. Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, NO, Ginny Potter." He mumbles as he walks out, his voice getting softer and softer as he walked on.

"I would just like to inform you of what is happening, as I don't think it would be appropriate for you to hear it from anyone else. After Alexander Malfoy brought you to the hospital wing, he and Reginald Lastrange, both handed themselves over as the cause of the Cruciatis curse being used on you. They also said that Lukas Longbottom was the caster of the spell, and because of their involvement, they have been expelled from Hogwarts."

"No! They didn't do anything wrong." I cried out, earning a shocked look from Professor McGonagall. "I mean that they weren't the ones who cursed me. I didn't like them being here, so I stole Luke's wand, and cursed myself - I wanted to get them in trouble, but now I see how wrong that is. I should be punished, not them."

She stands in silence, processing what I had just said, until she finally finds the words to say.

"I will call a meeting with the other professors, and I will discuss possible outcomes of the situation. I will let you know what we decide. For now, you should get some rest."

She silently makes her way out, leaving me in the cold dark room.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang