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The next few weeks were interesting. Claire was still avoiding the Slytherins, but they now avoided her too. They now knew that she would actually retaliate and several of them had a conversation with Professor Snape, so they were too scared to do anything to her. Claire didn't mind much because she had her Gryffindor friends to spend time with.

Ron was slowly coming around to like Claire, although she had a feeling that was only because the twins threatened him. Ron no longer made any comments about her mum, but it was obvious that he wasn't her biggest fan. Claire just did her best to ignore any rude looks from him. Harry and Hermione would also chastise him if they saw anything rude either.

"I wonder if Dumbledore would let me leave if my dad signed my form," Claire pondered outloud as she leaned over Harry's bed, her sight turned upside down and her hair brushing the floor. She had recently started spending her free time in Harry's dorm, but only when none of his roommates were there since they weren't too keen on her yet. Ron and Hermione would join them but everyone else would avoid the room.

"Why do you only call him your dad when he's not around?" Harry asked, pulling Claire up so she was sitting properly so that she wouldn't get a headache or fall.

"Cause that's weird," Claire said with a frown. "And that's not the topic of this conversation."

"Well, Dumbledore probably wouldn't mind, but Filch would," Hermione guessed. "And don't even think about sneaking out, either of you."

"C'mon, Hermione!" Ron argued. "Black isn't going to attack them in Hogsmeade!"

"He got in here!" Hermione reminded him. Ron rolled his eyes in response.

"Yeah, but I scared him away and I can do it again," Ron replied cheekily.

"Your girly scream probably made him think he went up the wrong staircase," Harry joked. Ron glared a little while Hermione and Harry laughed. Claire giggled a little, but she was still a little confused about her dream where she saw the attack, so she didn't like hearing about it.

"If it weren't for me you'd be dead. I'm your hero," Ron said, sounding like he wanted gratification.

"Well thank you," Harry said, not sounding very serious. Claire sighed and plopped back on Harry's bed, pushing her hair out from under her.

"I'm so tired of being stuck here," Claire groaned.

"So leave," Ron said rudely. A smacking sound let Claire know that Hermione hit the back of Ron's head for his rudeness.

"I can get the map and the cloak and we can sneak out again," Harry said. He pushed Claire's hair aside and laid down next to her. It wasn't awkward since they were basically siblings, although Ron and Hermione looked awkward to even be on the same bed at opposite ends.

"That didn't end well last time," Claire said with a small snort, grabbing Harry's glasses off his face and cleaning them for him.

"And I don't like that map," Hermione said worriedly.

"It's fine. It's just a map," Harry said, mumbling an ow when Claire accidentally poked his glasses into his eye.

"I wish we knew who made it," Claire sighed. Before they could theorize again, the door opened. Seamus and Dean entered, Neville not far behind. Claire hurried to sit up, fixing her hair so it blocked off most of her face. Harry sighed, upset that she had to become a different person around other people.

"We'll just be going," Hermione said kindly, grabbing Claire's hand and pulling on it.

"I don't like her in here, Harry," Seamus muttered, not even trying to be quiet around Claire. Her cheeks blushed and she followed Hermione.

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