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Daphne didn't have a funeral. The Daily Prophet didn't mention her death. It was like nothing had happened to her.

But Daphne Greengrass was dead even if no one would acknowledge it.

Harry went to stay with the Weasleys. Claire didn't respond to his letters. In fact, the only person she responded to was Hermione. The girl had been the first to know what happened after that night. Hermione had stayed with the family since then, both girls too depressed to get out of bed most days. Claire didn't ask questions about their relationship, just letting Hermione cry on her shoulder.

Anytime she closed her eyes, Claire could see Daphne's dead eyes staring right at her, her screams in her ears.

Sirius had left on his mission, although he had begged to stay. Dumbledore told him it wasn't possible, so the man had to leave his family when they needed him the most.

Claire had been so angry that morning. She had woken up from her vision sobbing in Remus' arms while the others looked at her with worry clear on their faces. She had scrambled out of her father's arms, making it outside and far enough into the woods until she could explode. She could feel the power ricocheting off of her, snapping the trees in half until she was left kneeling in a clearing, the forest silent.

She thought that it would make her feel better, but it was just a reminder that she could have saved Daphne.

That Daphne died because of her.

Remus was treating her like a child, but she didn't mind. He brought her breakfast in bed, reminded her to shower, and made sure she was actually eating. He didn't judge her when she threw the only letter that Draco could send her right into the fireplace, and he didn't say anything when Harry and Ron came over to see the girls and she barely responded to any of their questions, just sitting there and staring out the window.

Daphne had loved wildflowers. Claire and Hermione were the only two people to know that Daphne had a tattoo on her ribs that she had gotten in muggle London. Looking outside at the flowers everyday was a stab in the heart. Luna was running around and jumping through the flowers, meowing happily to let her owner know that they were just flowers. They wouldn't hurt her.

"We can cut them down."

Claire jumped and then shuffled over to give Regulus space to sit next to her. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on them. Hermione had gone with Remus, Harry and the Weasley family to get school supplies, but Remus thought it would be better for Claire to stay home. She hadn't washed her hair in almost a month, so he was probably right.

"She had a tattoo. Of wildflowers. She loved them because they were wild and free, not held back by anything. I told her not to get it, that she was crazy but she did anyways."

"She seems like she was just as wild and free," Regulus guessed. Claire grinned a little and nodded, pushing her hair back when it blew into her face, cringing at all the knots. Luna jumped up next to her, curling up and falling asleep while Claire absentmindedly started to pet her.

"I just don't understand. Why did they kill her? I hadn't even talked to her all summer, she's never been to where I've lived. She was innocent," Claire croaked out.

"The Dark Lord is violent and unpredictable. From what you've said, Daphne fought back against her mother and the Death Eaters. He would have killed her one way or another, but he was putting on a show," Regulus explained, a bitterness deep in his voice. His leg had started bouncing and he kept looking at the ground.

"A show for who?" Claire questioned.


Claire bit her lip and nodded. Voldemort would know that something that big would cause a vision.

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