Astronomy Tower

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As the semester grew closer to the end, the students felt antsy to leave, while others wished they could stay. Draco was unaware of the plans that his mother had made with Remus and Sirius, and Claire had been banned from telling him anything because nothing was set in stone, which meant that she had to try and comfort him without revealing the truth. 

As for Harry, he was spending more time with Ginny since they had officially started dating. Neither Claire nor Harry had made an effort to speak with the other teenager, both of them dealing with their own problems. While the space had given Claire enough time to think, she was ready to repair their relationship. Hermione had explained exactly what Dumbledore wanted from Harry with the horcruxes, and Claire had a much better understanding of the stress he was under. It didn't excuse his attack, but it did help Claire understand better. 

"Stop thinking so hard."

Claire blinked and looked over to Ginny, Hermione, and Ron before giving them a sheepish smile. 

"Sorry," Claire mumbled. Dumbledore had summoned for Harry a few hours before so the teens were all anxious, especially since he hadn't returned. Claire had been feeling anxious all week and her dreams kept her up most of the night. She had barely slept and wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep for a month, especially since the full moon was coming up. 

"Do you know where Harry is or what's happening?" Ginny asked hopefully. 

"I keep seeing things, but nothing is clear," Claire sighed, shaking her head. Her visions hadn't been as strong lately, and she had filled out two full notebooks of what she saw, but they were so random and unspecific that not even Hermione was able to piece anything together. 

"Can you try?" Ron questioned, a hopeful expression on his face. 

"She's not your personal Seer," Hermione chastised, feeling protective of the girl since she knew how stressful it was for Claire.

"No, it's alright," Claire assured the girl. They were sitting in the boy's room and their roommates were studying in the library, so Claire felt safe trying to see what was going on. "Just don't let me fall off the bed and don't let any blood get into my hair. I just washed it."

"Wait, blood?" Ron asked, sounding grossed out. 

Instead of responding, Claire closed her eyes and breathed deeply, thinking only of Harry. As much as she hated to admit it, she had been reading her mother's journals to better prepare herself to see specific situations or people. While it barely worked and took a lot of energy from her, she was getting better. 

"Where are we?"

Claire was standing at the edge of a cliff, a strong wind almost knocking her over the edge into the roaring ocean. The waves were so high that a cool mist enveloped her anytime the water crashed into the rocks. 

"This is the spot where a young Tom Riddle came years ago with the other children from the orphanage, although they went to the nearby village. He used this climb to terrorize two younger children, but what we need is further inside."

Claire followed Harry, who looked terrified, but he was hiding it with a strong face. While she was floating along, the two men were struggling on slippery rocks as they walked deeper into the cave. They didn't speak, instead listening to the sound of the waves. Dumbledore jumped into the water at one point, swimming with the strength of a younger man. Claire watched anxiously as Harry struggled to keep up in the cold water. The freezing air was impacting even her, making her shiver. She was glad when they got out of the water into a large opening where Dumbledore illuminated his wand and started looking around. 

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