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11 o'clock couldn't seem to come fast enough for Claire. The game was interesting to watch, but she kept zoning out when she would remember the note in her pocket. Luckily for her, no one paid her any attention since they were all focused on the game.

Bulgaria won thanks to their seeker, Viktor Krum. He didn't look like he was enjoying himself because he had a grumpy look at all times, and his nose had gotten smashed in and broken during the game. The crowd, however, absolutely loved him, getting so loud that Claire thought she had permanent hearing loss.

"I just want to sleep forever," Ginny groaned as she fell onto her bed. Claire couldn't help but agree, even though she wouldn't be going to bed anytime soon. Mr. Weasley had allowed them to stay up and drink hot chocolate, but now it was almost eleven, which meant while everyone else was going to sleep, she would be sneaking out to meet Draco.

"Claire, you can change in the bathroom first," Hermione offered.

"No, I'm okay," Claire said way too quickly. Hermione's eyebrows raised almost impossibly fast.

"Is there something you want to tell us?" Hermione asked, knowing Claire well enough to know that something was up.

"No..." Claire lied. She saw the looks on the two girls' faces and sighed, realizing that she would have to tell the truth. "Draco asked me to meet him."

"No way," Hermione said immediately while Ginny made a disgusted noise.

"Why would you want to meet that git?" Ginny asked.

"She's not going to," Hermione said sternly. "You'll get in trouble."

"I haven't seen him all summer," Claire argued. "I won't stay for long! I promise!"

"I'm not gonna lie if Mr. Weasley comes in here," Hermione huffed. Ginny nodded her head in agreement and Claire sighed.

"I'm going to meet him," Claire decided. "I won't stay for long."

Hermione huffed angrily and grabbed her things, slamming the door to the bathroom as she went. Ginny just shrugged and turned over, still looking disgusted.

With a heavy sigh, Claire checked the mirror to make sure she still looked presentable and then stuck her head out of the tent. No one was around so Claire quietly made her way out of the tent and towards the forest. Luckily for her, Remus had given her a muggle flashlight so she wasn't tripping over too many items in the way. It took a few minutes before she found Draco, half clouded in shadows.

"Hi," Claire said awkwardly. Draco gave her a rather handsome smile and then grabbed her hand, placing a small kiss on her knuckles.

"You look lovely," Draco complimented. Claire cleared her throat and tried to fight her blush.

"No I don't," Claire laughed awkwardly. Draco smirked at her, checking his watch and then clearing his throat.

"Come with me," Draco said, nodding his head further into the woods.

"I really can't stay for long," Claire protested. "Ginny and Hermione are both waiting for me."

Draco's jaw tensed a little and he checked his watch again, looking over to the campsite. Claire furrowed her eyebrows and turned too, but there was nothing out of the ordinary happening.

"Just trust me," Draco said softly. Claire bit her lip in consideration before finally sighing and nodding. Draco let out a tiny sigh of what sounded like relief and then started guiding Claire deeper into the woods. After she almost fell a few times, his hand stayed firmly on her elbow to help her, although it didn't do much. With an aggravated sigh, Claire turned her flashlight back on.

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