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To say that Claire was dreading Defense class would be an understatement. After she ran out of potions class, she didn't want to be around her fellow students and since she had ran into her father, she didn't want to see him either. It was also a class with the Gryffindors and Harry had practically dragged Claire to sit next to him. Draco was sending Harry a glare while Ron was doing the same to Claire. Any time she tried to leave Harry or Hermione would make her stay, so she just gave up.

It had been an awkward five minutes until Remus walked in, his eyes lingering on Claire and Harry for a second longer than normal. He had met Harry a few times when Claire was younger, and both kids noticed the odd look in his eyes when he was around Harry. The look was still there as he observed the boy for a few seconds.

"Hello, class," Remus greeted. "You don't need anything other than your wand. It's going to be a practical lesson today."

The students all shared skeptical looks as they put their stuff away. Once everyone was done Remus led them down the hallways. It wasn't long before they ran into Peeves the Poltergeist.

"I'd take that gum out of the keyhole before Filch gets upset," Remus said calmly, referring to the caretaker.

"Looney, lupey Lupin!" Peeves sang repeatedly. He gave Remus a smug look and continued to sing.

"Everyone pay attention," Remus said. "This is a very special spell. Waddiwasi!"

The gum shot out of the keyhole and into the nose of the poltergeist. Peeves let out a loud yell and rushed away.

"Cool, sir!" Dean Thomas said, his eyes wide with amazement.

"Thank you, Dean," Remus said, his eyes lingering on Claire, who had giggled some when Peeves rushed away. "Alright then, let's continue."

The class kept walking until they were at the staffroom. Remus opened the door and gestured for everyone to follow him in. Professor Snape was the only other person in there, and a sneer appeared on his face as he saw Remus and the class.

"Leave the door open, Lupin," Professor Snape requested coldly. "I'd rather not witness this. And in case no one has warned you, Mr. Longbottom is in this class, and he can't do anything right unless Miss. Granger is whispering in his ear."

Neville burned red from embarrassment, but Remus just sent his fellow professor a small smile.

"I was actually hoping that Neville would help me and I'm sure he'll perform wonderfully," Remus said. Snape looked even more upset, his eyes bouncing between Claire and Remus before he left in a rush.

"Now then," Remus said. "Let's get started."

The class made their way to the back of the room where there was a large wardrobe. The whole class jumped back when it suddenly shook.

"Not to worry," Remus said. "It's simply a boggart. They like dark, enclosed spaces, such as this wardrobe. I asked Professor Dumbledore to keep this one here for this lesson. So, what is a boggart?"

"It's a shape-shifter," Hermione answered. "It takes place of whatever frightens us the most."

Claire, who was already at the back of the class, stepped back even further.

"I'm sure you don't have to do it if you don't want to," Draco whispered, distracting Claire from her father as he continued to tell the class about boggarts.

"I-I don't want to," Claire mumbled, eyeing the wardrobe wearily.

"Just stay away from Potter and you'll be fine," Draco said, a small sneer on his face as he looked at Harry. "He and his Gryffindor friends will probably be first in line."

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