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There was nothing but screams and flashing lights. Claire was walking through spells cast both ways, green lights flashing. She couldn't see any faces, just blurs of bodies falling. An overwhelming feeling overcame her, and she knew in that moment that there was nothing they could do. The battle had to happen, even if they didn't win. 

She came back with a loud gasp, jolting out of Draco's arms. The other teens jumped back in surprise, a game of wizards chess in front of them.

"Glad to see you all were worried about me," Claire said, blinking at the harsh lights in the room. Her head was pounding but she was used to the pain by now. 

"You were taking a long time," Ron shrugged, making Hermione roll her eyes. 

"What did you see?" Harry questioned, looking eager to know. Claire hesitated and looked at the other teens, all of them looking nervous. 

"Nothing much," Claire admitted. She hesitated before continuing, making the decision to lie. "It wasn't bad. I think I know how to help and what to do."

"Wonderful!" Hermione gasped. "What do we need to do?"

"I think it's too late to do anything," Draco spoke up, noticing the slight waver in Claire's voice. The tone of his voice made the others share a look, Ron and Blaise abandoning their game as they left the room, leaving only Draco and Claire. 

"There's nothing we can do," Claire whispered. Draco sighed and pulled her closer to his chest, placing a kiss to the top of her head. 

"At least we can say we tried."


The next few days were spent trying to convince the Gryffindor trio that they didn't need any help. The teens were eager to help with the wardrobe, but there was no point. Claire ended up playing many quidditch matches in the cold so that she would distract them. Hermione was the only one who really noticed, and Claire couldn't figure out if she actually knew the truth or not. 

"So, what's the plan for today?"

Claire grinned and rolled over, putting her head on Draco's chest as his arm went around her shoulders, pulling her closer. She traced the Slytherin logo on his pajama shirt as she pondered their options. It was a Saturday so they didn't have any classes. A particularly bad nightmare brought her into the boys dorm the night before, and she was fine staying there all day. 

"Hmm...what about a good book and then we sneak off to the Room of Requirement?" Claire suggested. Draco grinned, the action making her stomach flutter. Claire giggled and shoved her face into his side, making him laugh and pull her up so she was sitting over his stomach. 

"My beauty," Draco whispered, sitting up to connect their lips. Claire smiled, grabbing the back of his hair and pulling him closer. Their lips moved together while Draco's hand went to Claire's shorts, pulling the string to loosen them. The sound of the door opening make Claire gasp and pull away. 

"Good morning kiddos!" Theo yelled. Draco groaned, dropping his head onto Claire's shoulder. The girl moved so she was laying next to Draco again instead of on top of him, pulling the curtain away so the other two boys could see them.

"So you are awake!" Blaise said happily, a smirk on his face. Draco flicked him off, collapsing backwards onto the bed with a huff. 

"Don't be so upset. If you two aren't careful we're going to have little Malfoys running around, and I'm not ready to be an uncle yet," Theo warned. Claire flicked him off as well. 

"Why is everyone so entranced by our sex life?" Claire asked Draco, overdramatically flipping over to look at him. 

"Because they're not getting any," Draco responded, a smirk on his face. Claire's laugh was interrupted by a pillow being thrown at them. 

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