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So the start of this chapter will have some triggering parts that connect to her vision from last year in the Astronomy Tower (Intrusive Thoughts), so please only read the first part of the chapter if you're comfortable!

Claire was struggling, and it was obvious to everyone. It seemed that the general consensus was that she somehow helped her mum escape from Azkaban. In the span of a week, Claire was not only tripped multiple times, cursed at, and yelled at, but a Hufflepuff purposefully sent a spell at her during a Dumbledore's Army meeting that made her hit the wall hard enough to bruise her ribs, which had barely started healing from being hit before.

Harry was worried about her. He was constantly trying to talk and he would send the twins over to try and cheer her up. Claire ignored all of them, and had even started skipping meals and classes to avoid him. Of course, he has the map which made it difficult to do so. Draco would usually find her and come sit, but he would only talk if she did. It was nice to have someone who knew what she needed.

Leo and Annabeth weren't too bad about watching her, but it made her feel like a burden. She also didn't want to be watched, and they had both been a little cold to her after what she said to her dad. She felt like it was first year again, and she was all alone and scared.

Which was why she was in the Astronomy Tower.

"Did you really think I'd let you come up here all alone?"

Claire smiled sadly and sat down against the wall, letting Hermione and Daphne join her.

"How'd you know I was here?" Claire questioned.

"Harry told me and I ran into her looking for you," Hermione asked as they sat down, sandwiching Claire in. Hermione knew about the vision that Claire had the year before, and so the girl was shaking in fear that she might've been too late. Claire decided not to tell her the full truth of why she was up there that night.

"I just wanted some fresh air," Claire told them, which wasn't a complete lie. Daphne frowned, and Claire thought she knew the truth.

"Are you sure that's all?" Daphne asked her. And then Claire let herself break, sobbing harder than she had in years.

"I didn't mean to at first," Claire started. "I just kept picking at my scars on my hand, and it made me feel better. And then I was in the bathroom and I had the razor in my hand. But I didn't use it, I promise. Please, you have to believe me."

"I know you didn't," Daphne assured her in a calming voice. She had gone looking for Claire because she found her razor broken on the ground, but there was no blood.

"The bottle is over there," Claire pointed into the opposite corner. "I didn't take any. But I was so scared because I wanted to."

"But you didn't, and that's what matters," Hermione said, crying as she saw Claire break down. Her body was still heaving with sobs, and she couldn't catch her breath. "You're so strong. You're allowed to have times when you break."

"I just keep letting everyone down. I'm just a burden," Claire cried.

"You are not a burden," Daphne said strongly. Claire curled into her side as she started to calm down. Daphne held her while Hermione gently combed over her hair.

"I am," Claire argued.

"Claire, you're my sister," Hermione told her. "I love you, and I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. Who else can I make fun of Ron with?"

Claire smiled a little but then frowned and went to talk when Hermione interrupted.

"Your dad sent Harry a letter already. He says he loves you and he knows that you were just upset and didn't mean it."

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