found you

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"Okay, wait, when was the first time you two did it?"

Claire flung her pillow across the room to where Harry was laying in his bed, hitting him square in the face. He let out a puff of air when his glasses fell off his face, glaring at Claire when he put them back on. Dumbledore had agreed to let Harry stay at the safe house for the rest of the break since there wasn't much more time left. The Order members had brought another bed and at their request, Claire and Harry were sharing a room. They both needed the comfort of having someone else near them. 

"You can't ask me that!" Claire hissed, her cheeks red. "The walls are super thin. What if my dad heard that?"

"He's completely passed out. Remus and Sirius both fell asleep on the couch. I think Siri is even drooling."

Claire and Harry both jumped and reached for their wands, immediately pointing them at the door. Regulus put his hands up and casually strolled in, sitting on the floor in between the beds and pulling a blanket from the foot of Claire's bed. 

"Why are you awake? It's three in the morning," Claire questioned. 

"I have to spend most of my day sleeping in the attic. This is the only time I have to actually walk around," Regulus explained, stretching out and using the pillow that Claire threw earlier. More members of the Order were showing up everyday, much to their displeasure. Regulus had to stay locked up in  very small attic for most of the day, but at night none of the Order members would be able to tell him and Sirius apart from looking in the windows, so he was safe to walk around. 

"Why don't you just tell everyone you're alive?" Harry inquired. 

"Why don't you mind your own business?" Regulus snapped back. While he and Harry usually got on pretty well, there were some times that they bickered and fought like they hated each other. 

"It's not safe," Claire said simply, giving Harry a look to not ask anymore questions. She had seen enough of the past and possible glimpses into the future to know that Regulus had his own demons to fight without adding in everyone else's opinions. 

"Anyways...answer the question," Regulus said after the air turned awkward. Claire groaned and fell back onto her pillows. Luna the cat let out a happy sound and curled up closer, letting Claire hold her close. The familiar purring calmed Claire and she smiled, feeling close to Draco for the first time since they had last seen each other. 

"Why do you even want to know?" Claire asked. 

"Because I'm supposed to protect you," Harry replied. 

"I'm just bored," Regulus admitted. 

"Fine," Claire sighed. "We first did it about a week after we started dating. We were in the Room of Requirements and it was the first time that we had truly been alone in a while. It just happened."

"Gross," Harry said, pulling a face and fake gagging. 

"You wanted to know!" Claire complained.  

"Yeah, but that's gross!" Harry whined. Claire rolled her eyes at his behavior. 

"Don't be jealous because you aren't getting any," Claire sang, making Harry pour and Regulus burst into laughter. Claire hurried to hush Regulus when they heard footsteps. The three teens all immediately pretended to be asleep, all of them glad that the light had been turned off already.

"When did Reggie get up?" Sirius whispered.

"I don't know," Remus whispered back.

"It's sweet. Our family."

Claire grinned to herself, looking over and seeing that Harry was grinning too. Regulus was still pretending to be asleep, his eyes closed completely. 

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