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"Okay, I definitely like the twins. I am a straight for them and them only."

Claire rolled her eyes at Daphne, but a large smile was on her face as she watched the twins cause havoc. They had broken into Umbridge's office and had set off fireworks throughout the school. The new headmistress looked ready to murder, and knowing her, Claire wouldn't be surprised. Unfortunately, she couldn't enjoy the festivities.

"Come with me," Harry muttered, grabbing Claire's arm and making her almost trip. She shrugged at her friends and then raced to follow Harry and Hermione.

"What's happening?" Claire asked, struggling to keep up.

"We have to talk to Sirius," Harry explained, pulling Claire into Umbridge's office. "We only have a little time thanks to Fred and George."

"I don't like this," Hermione muttered. Harry ignored her and threw floo powder onto the fireplace, leaning down and sticking his face into the fire.

"I guess this is happening," Claire sighed, shrugging at Hermione and trying to send her an encouraging look, but her heart was racing.

"Sirius! Are you there?!" Harry yelled.

"Harry? Claire?" Remus questioned, sounding a little panicked.

"What's going on?" Sirius yelled as he kneeled next to Remus and stuck his head into the fireplace.

"Why didn't you guys tell me that my dad was horrible?" Harry asked, his voice breaking. Claire looked at him with shock, not knowing what he had seen to make him think that.

"Harry, your dad-"

"No!" Harry interrupted Sirius. "I saw him in Snape's past. He was a bully, and honestly, all of you were! He kept messing with his hair just to get my mum to notice him. She hated him!"

"No, she didn't," Remus said with a sad laugh.

"Harry, you saw us by the Black Lake after exams?" Sirius asked. Harry nodded, looking troubled.

"Don't judge us based on that," Remus sighed. "We were young and dumb, and we didn't know what we were doing."

"But I thought you loved Claire's mum? You were just as mean to her!" Harry argued. Claire started choking on ash from how fast she took a breath. Remus just opened and closed his mouth like a fish before clearing his throat.

"We had a... difficult relationship," Remus started to explain.

"They hated each other until the whole werewolf genes took over," Sirius explained. Claire tried not to look at her dad, because she knew that while her mum was a monster, she couldn't help but wonder if her mum would've been different if she had people who cared. And her dad wasn't one of those people for a long time.

"Look, your dad got better from what you saw that day. It took your mum until seventh year to realize that, but she did. He grew up and he apologized. But Snape was just as bad to us," Remus said, trying to get them back on track.

"He was a bully," Harry said sadly.

"He was a bully to those who bullied. You know how Snape is, and he was worse back then. I'm sorry that we can't explain more, but you have to believe us," Sirius sighed.

"I don't understand why-"

Harry was cut off by a hand pulling his head out of the fireplace. Claire looked confused because no one had pulled her out yet.

"I guess...I guess we're leaving now," Claire said awkwardly. She didn't feel too worried or threatened, more upset that their conversation was cut short.

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