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"I'm skipping my classes today," Claire announced. It had been a week since the first task, and she was finally feeling better, but she still would wake up after a bad dream with a splitting headache and a nose bleed. Daphne would sometimes be awake when she would get up to clean herself up, and Claire was surprised that the other students didn't know what was happening yet.

"You've barely gone to any classes all week," Blaise said with a snort. The four Slytherins were draped over one of the couches with Claire in the corner, her legs tucked into her chest to make herself as small as possible. Theo and Blaise were taking up the most space while Draco was sitting like a normal person, although he was relaxed.

"I haven't felt well," Claire responded. Professor Dumbledore had allowed her to take some time off from classes, but her excuse was up. He also wanted to know exactly what she was seeing. But Claire had been reading her mother's journal and she was very clear: only tell people that you trust. Therefore, Claire had only told her dad everything. She couldn't even trust Leo. It was obvious the professor was getting upset with her, but she had a bad feeling about telling him. The only other people she had spent time with were Harry and Hermione since they had to tell her all about how Harry made it past the dragon to get the Golden Egg, which just screamed once it was open.

"Professor Moody is acting weird about you being gone so much," Theo added.

"He keeps looking around and asking Potter where you are," Blaise explained.

"I hate his class," Claire said with a shudder. Even the thought of having to sit in his class made her weak.

"Let's go to Hogsmeade," Draco said randomly. The other three sent him a look before the two boys burst out laughing. "I'm not joking. I want to go."

"Draco, your dad would be too upset," Claire argued. "He was already so upset the last time we skipped classes."

"He'll get over himself," Draco shrugged.

"No he won't," Blaise snorted, but he made no other effort to dissuade his friend.

"I do need more chocolate frogs and I got my allowance last week," Claire murmured. Sirius had found a loophole that allowed Remus to get small amounts from his Gringotts vault, which meant that Remus had started sending Claire money every month, even if it wasn't a lot.

"Let's go," Draco decided, a small smile on his face. Claire hesitated before nodding.

"Let me go get my jacket," Claire said, running up to get Sirius' leather jacket. By the time she got back the others had gone to class and Draco was the only one waiting.

"Are you ready?" Draco asked, holding out his arm. Claire bit the inside of her cheek as she looped her arm with his, although it only lasted until they reached the exit of the common room.

"This way," Claire told Draco. They were able to escape being noticed since the other students were on their way to class. Claire made eye contact with Hermione, who tried to wave her over since they were going to the same class. Instead, Claire grabbed Draco's arm and pulled him into the next hallway. Hermione would probably tell Harry and Ron, seeing as they were all friends again after the first task.

"Potter is going to be mad," Draco sang. Claire huffed and looked both ways, wishing she had the Marauder's Map to guide her. She could only barely remember how to get out through the secret passage. Draco stayed close to her as they pushed past students before they finally reached the statue. Claire whispered the password and they were escaping down the dark passage in no time.

"Why did you want to skip classes?" Claire asked. It was a long walk and she was trying to not make it awkward. Blaise and Theo kept teasing the two of them, which meant they hadn't been spending a lot of time with the other person.

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