CHAPTER 30: Race in Time

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"I don't understand at all." Akari stood beside Nagisa, dumbfounded,

"I don't think this is a good idea, Nagisa-kun."

What are they thinking?!...  Akari was internally screaming her protests.

"Wear this, Kayano." Nagisa was extending a helmet for her.

"Y-You... do you know how to ride this thing?"

...this is insane.

Akari was utterly nervous about it. Who wouldn't? Given that a blind man will be driving for her.

"No but yes." Nagisa started the engine and tried his best to keep up with time.


"I've been playing this in the arcade. Kanzaki thought me how to use the gears."


She didn't even have the chance to internalize everything. Akari's eyes were already shut as soon as they began moving, and she can't possibly open them. She couldn't imagine how Nagisa managed to maintain his balance without his sight.


"Calm down, Kayano! You're making me nervous!"

Who wouldn't be nervous! Dummy!

"Nagisa-- I think I'm going to faint."

"I told you to calm down!" Nagisa was shaking in nervousness himself. He won't deny that.

Either way, he speed-up causing the air pressure to brush against their skin, and Akari to move closer and lock her arms around him.

But not long enough, they got used to the speed and wind, and the long silence between them.

Nagisa's constantly checking on Akari's pulse so he'll know when she already calmed down. Whenever he dared to break the ice, a strong grip would pull on his shirt, making him smile for no reason.

Akari on the other hand still has her eyes shut, tight.

"I can smell the sea." Nagisa finally talked.

No answer.


"I love the sea." Akari followed.

It's good to hear her voice— Nagisa sighed.

"Ah, you're still alive."

"I'm so going to kill you all after this suicide plan of Koro-san." Akari pouted.

The sun was already up and wide, and Nagisa can feel the heat and the calming sea breeze on his skin. If only he can see this scenery.

"So, will you open your eyes now?" He asked and received a tight grip in response.

It'll be fine to stop for a half minute. He shrugged before pulling over to the road shoulder where he can smell the fresh grasses and algae on rocks.

"Open your eyes now."

Akari slowly opened her eyes and the sun rays immediately flashed before her eyes.

The sky was in a darker shade of blue than the sea, making the clouds stand out the most while the white sand was being brushed by the gentle waves.

It was really calming and beautiful. Akari was speechless as memories of her childhood started to flood her mind. Memories that she had never rummaged before because of its sentimentality that only makes her miss everything in the past.

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