CHAPTER 32: Dark Times

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"Yeah, score is 50-7—"

"Ooh, your memory is getting better." The doctor completely opened the door and let the man inside meet his visitors.


The man whom they call Alex was glued on the floor, utterly surprised with his unexpected guests.

Does he look presentable? Did he comb his hair right? Is his room accommodating? Nothing of that mattered.

If his condition had not gotten better, he would probably mistake his daughter as her wife, but that was not the case. He recognized Akari, and his lips opened to call her but his voice won't come out. His joy came out as tears and he started to quiver.

He was waiting for this day, but he was unprepared for the consequences. He was happy but feared to finally have this moment when he'll be reunited with his family.

"A-Akari... Akari—"

Akari's body voluntarily jolted towards his father and embraced him like she was out of oxygen.

"You've grown, Akari." Kaito aka Alex said, pulling out as he examines how tall his daughter has grown, "You've got your mother's face."

"Dad," Akari sniffed, "I have so many questions."

"Err, I'll get some tea." The doctor left and closed the door, leaving the three inside for a personal talk. And that same time, the mood started to thicken.

"How did you found me? And who is he?" Kaito looked at Nagisa, doubtful thoughts started circling his mind. For all the unfortunate things that happened in his life, it would be very hard for him to trust anybody.

"Shiota Nagisa. It's nice to meet you." Nagisa bowed with the same polite character he wears. He then removed his sunglass to show the success of Yukimura and Yanagisawa's experiment.

So they know...

Kaito Yukimura was becoming more confused if Akari and his friend were trying to deliver a good news or a bad one. Because for the whole time, he was still hoping that they will stop and give up to that dreadful experiment. He wished it never existed. He wished that he just blew up everything before he vanished.

He tried to believe that he is safe, that Akari and her friend were not under Yanagisawa's control, or they are not being followed. His memories suddenly flashed before his eyes, which he instinctively wanted to erase in his mind. Memories of his wife crying for help, the gunshots and the explosion.

All of them.

Not again. Not this time.

His ears were filled with noises, some which he didn't even recognize.

"Mr. Satori sent us here. He said he wanted to visit you but he can't." Akari answered while watching Kaito's uneasy motions.

"Would you excuse me, please." Kaito curtly said before rushing to the white room to calm himself down although he already mastered the breathing exercise, so calming himself would not take long.

He closed his eyes and breathed slowly, thinking that nobody will come after them and kill him or worst, kill his daughter in front of his eyes—his heart raced out of anxiety again as he repeated the process of breathing exercise.

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