CHAPTER 11: Time for School Trip (Part 2)

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Rio's P.O.V

I want to sleep already, but the class has a gathering inside Vitch-sensei's room tonight so I'm definitely going. Who knows if I can get a lot of teasing and blackmailing materials.

"Is everyone here?" Isogai entered the room.

"Why are you here anyway?!" Vitch-sensei is hollering over the place because no one informed her that we will be gathering here.

"Kayano-san can't join us. She's pretty beat-up." Okuda raised her hand.

"That's understandable. Who else?"

The door suddenly opened.

It was Karma, Nagisa and Sugino... but something's off.

"I guess everyone's here. Let's start then." Isogai got two papers and markers and instructed us.

"We'll be having a popularity ranking. Boys, we'll be ranking the girls and that goes for the other. I guess you already know what I am talking about?"

Others protested, but others just complied... and I'm one of them.

Of course this can make a worthy teasing material. I'd love to do this.

"Am I included?" Vitch-sensei butted in.


Vitch-sensei lazily sat over the corner of the room and started to mumble things.

After voting, Isogai sealed the results that will soon be revealed after our school trip.

But it's not really thrilling and it's not going to be thrilling.

The next game is the customary truth or dare. And the only thing that excites me will be the pranks that I can make. I'm going to record everything.


After a series of spins, the bottle stopped at Nagisa. He'll definitely go for a dare--


Seriously? What is he thinking?

Yada raised her hand, "I'm curious, Nagisa-kun... why do you let your hair grow without cutting it?"

There was a few seconds of silence while everyone's waiting for his answer.

"Because I have a feeling that Rio-chan wanted a sister." He said innocently--?

Why are you saying that Nagisa!

Suddenly, I caught Karma's grin and I realized it just-- now. I knew it, something's off.

"What did you do Karma?! He's clearly drunk!" I immediately dragged Nagisa outside the room.

Man. This is embarrassing.

Karma knew it well that Nagisa has a low tolerance to alcohol. I was suppose to be the one who's pulling pranks, but I am the victim this time! I'm going to kill you Karma!

"Rio, we're not finished yet. Let's go back." Nagisa spoke.

"How many glasses of sake did Karma gave you?"

"A half? Higck-- of water." He hiccuped.

"Just a half-- of water?!"

Did Karma used Okuda's formula?

"Sit here." I pushed him at the bench beside a vending machine and punched for a coffee, "Drink this."

I stood opposite to him as I watch him sip. And I'm thinking of sending him back to the boys' room.

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