CHAPTER 25: Making Time for Plans

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It was in the middle of the night when Koro sneaked out from his room to pick another box of cookies in the kitchen. His moves were flawless and not a single sound could be heard... so he has the right to be startled when Ritsu suddenly opened the lights.

"Eeeek--?!" Koro was utterly surprised.

"Thank you Ritsu." Rio walked behind Koro to open the fridge first, "So, what's with this new eating habit of yours?" She scanned the food stock for a week, closing the fridge again as she shook her head disapprovingly.

"It's almost empty." Rio muttered, but that's really out of her concerns.

Why are you so carefree? She thought.

She was still into the same thing from the past days, about Nagisa. That's why she was seriously disappointed why everybody acts normal (and happy). That's what she thinks, but little did she know everybody was equally distressed as hers.

"I'm sorry Rio. I just get easily hungry. Don't worry I'll do the shopping tomorrow." Koro rubbed the back of his head as he diverted into another route towards the cabinet where he popped a whole box of cereals into a big bowl.

Rio just sighed and glared at her brother before returning to her room for her all-night over thinking.

When she was out, Aguri revealed herself from the back porch.

"I think you should face her seriously. They are no longer kids. More complicated--"

"I'm still... figuring out the right words." Koro cut her off and turned to her with his troubled eyes,

"This is the hardest thing that I handled so far... because I didn't experienced being a teenager myself. One day I was a kid and then--"

Koro stopped when he felt the warmth on his back.

"...and then?" Aguri buried her face against Koro's back and wrapped her arms around him.

"...and then, the last thing I knew was I'm already an adult, trying to be a father figure for my little sister." He continued as he turned around to face Aguri.

"Hey, you know what? Since we are grown ups, why don't we try grown up things?"



"W-W-What?" Koro's face rapidly heated-up in embarrassment.

"Wait..." Aguri's eyes widened when she realized what she just said, "W-W-What are you thinking!" She poked Koro in the head and pouted as her face started to burn red.

"But Aguri..." Koro returned to his serious demeanor, "Are you sure you don't want to talk to Dr. Yukimura?"

"We should focus first in saving Nagisa and the others. If it's true that our old man is alive, then he'll never do stupid things to endanger his life again." Aguri bit her lip.

"You don't want to know his reasons?" Koro poured a milk into the bowl of cereals.

"I'm desperate to know his explanation. But I think... I'm still not ready, we are still not ready to face him."

For a moment, a glint of gloom filled Aguri's eyes.

They feel each other's deepest thoughts. And it was slowly suffocating.

"Hey!" Aguri broke the silence, "I'll help you do the shopping tomorrow. How about that?" She cheered.

Koro just chuckled in response. He was honestly thinking the same thing.

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