CHAPTER 20: Time to Dig Deeper

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“R-Rio-chan? N-Nagisa-kun?”

Aguri silently walked out from her room when she heard the backdoor shut, peeking through the doorway connecting the kitchen and the dining area.

“T-Tadaima, sensei.” Nagisa and Karma removed their shoes after entering from the back porch of the ‘old house’.

“Okaeri!” Aguri greeted enthusiastically but then she noticed something unusual, “Where’s Rio and Akari?” She promptly looked at their backs and at the backdoor.

“Ms. Irina took Akari home.” Karma answered.

“What about Rio? She’s not with you?”

They shook their heads.

“Karma, she’s not home yet.” Nagisa uneasily slipped his hand through his hair.

“Maybe she’s in her room?” Karma walked before them and they started searching for Rio but to no avail.

Nagisa and Karma met at the living room with frowns on their faces as they mindlessly walked back and forth while figuring out where Rio would possibly go. Their fidgeting was unsettling to watch, and the most terrible thing was they didn’t even realized that they were stressing each other.

They weren’t near to stopping either, not until Aguri came running in both excitement and astonishment. She effectively crushed the boys’ spacing out.

“You won’t believe this.” She smiled widely, her eyes twinkling.

The duo looked at each other. Needless to say a word, both of them appeared to be apologizing to each other.

They left their worries for later, following Aguri at the wide backyard garden that was often overlooked. It was the only part of the estate that remained untouched after Nagisa’s parents died. At least not until now.

The place was quiet and the only thing that makes them think that they were still in the same dimension was Aguri’s heavy breathing.

The Shiota’s house is a fairly large 2-storey traditional house built with the touch of modernized materials (at the western part of Tokyo) that he inherited from his parents and grandparents.

At the right corner of the backyard was a creepy shack that Nagisa himself can’t remember if that actually existed before.

“I’m sorry, my memories are shallow. I’m not even sure if that is ours, or if that was here from the start.” Nagisa shook his head.

“Anything?” Aguri pushed.

“Nothing.” Nagisa paused while trying to dig into his memories.

“But it’s kind of emitting a nostalgic vibe. Maybe I’ve seen my father with that shack--”

“What is it buddy?” Karma turned to him.

“I-I think I remember something… like a photo.” He squinted, lips curving from thoughts, “That’s right. I have a photo with my father with that shack on the background.” He beamed.

“So this is yours?” Karma chuckled, stopping on his tracks when they were right in front of the wooden shack.

“I think so. But is it safe inside, sensei?” Nagisa asked Aguri who was already inside.

“This is probably the SAFEST place in this city.” Aguri’s voice echoed from the inside. Her voice almost sounded dusty for Nagisa because of the idea that this place was untouched for more than five years.

They stepped in anyway and scanned the place with their necks extending to where their hands directed their flashlights. The interior was surprisingly organized, making it look big and it’s not even a bit close to the shabby exterior.

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