CHAPTER 34: Time for Akihito Yukimura

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He had once lived an exciting life with his friends. His eyes were full of life and love. He inspired his friends, that's for sure. Akihito will always be. But one must sacrifice something to survive in the real world, in exchange for experience. In exchange for power. In exchange for wisdom.

She wasn't quite knowledgeable about her grandfather's shenanigans, also considering the dynamics that had happened these past months that brought her and the others in this state.

Six people were gathered inside a small underground room beneath Dr. Kasamoto's house. All of them shares the same somberness.

Aguri touched Akihito's tubed dry hand as she reminisced both happy and dark memories. She admits that the way she admired her grandfather when she's younger has receded. Even so, the respect remains.

"I think he wanted to see his family before he perishes after all," Dr. Kasamoto noted as he checked the vital signs of Akihito who was asleep. He was bedridden for almost a month.

"I told him, 'Akihito, your granddaughters are surely searching for you. Allow me to invite them!'" He started to dramatize their dialogues, "He said, 'no, I don't deserve their care'. Well, what a shit."

Aguri smiled at him, a rather gloomy one, "Thank you for protecting him, doctor."

"Call me Uncle," Kasamoto cut her off, "What can I do, he insisted to stay at my place. And I'm sorry, this is the only thing that I can do for you."

"No, no, u-uncle... I'm more than grateful." Aguri started to break in tears. And for some reasons, Rio noticed it was almost strange that she's a little too emotional for the past days but she can't blame her.

"He's too dry to even talk to me on this week." Dr. Kasamoto then opened the table drawer and handed a shabby journal book with Akihito's name on it and their old medical company's seal.

Aguri carefully removed the rubber lock which seemed to be the only thing that keeps the pages together. Their family picture immediately fell from between the cover and the first page. Akari was still a toddler at the photo and Aguri's raven locks still falls to her waist.

Ah, I'll miss this.

"I think you'd be pleased to visit Dr. Ito in Ishikawa some time. He runs an asylum. You'll learn a thing or two." Dr. Kasamoto winked.

"What do you know?"

"Few...things." Dr. Kasamoto shuffled the books on the table, searching for something small, "Akihito and Ito are my best friends. We went on the same university. It's just ironic that we came from different regions. Akihito lives in Kanto, Ito in Hokuriku and I live here in Chubu. That's why we rarely see each other. But whenever Akihito is in trouble, we are the first to know..." He chortled, "Your grandfather is a trouble magnet. Not a troublemaker, but a magnet. Lucky and unlucky, he's in between."

"I bet he does." Aguri giggled with him, sniffing along the lines.

"Give that a skim." He gestured at the journal, telling Aguri to talk to Akihito through his diaries.

Aguri nodded as she opened the book, starting at the middle.

May 3, 1998

          Aguri topped her exam so we treated her for dinner. Kentucky fried chicken, delicious.

May 7, 1998

          I am having my second grandchild! Kaito and Yuona just got home from the OB. I wish dear Saki is here with us, I miss her.

May 8, 1998

          I went on a shopping with Aguri! We've played Galaga at the arcade and I learned Donkey Kong! Aguri was so happy and so I am. I'm smiling right now.

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