CHAPTER 2: Time for a Birthday Blast

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Rio and Nagisa worked for the meal silently. They always stay like that mindless to say, and the silence never bothered them until Rio starts to talk about Western music, politics and random things. But some time later, as time passed, she figured about Nagisa's bloodlust. Sometimes, she even bluntly talk about it with Koro but she never get any conclusion.

Nagisa's always persistent and concentrated in his priorities, his goal after all is to sign up for the Ministry and work with Koro as an agent. Rio never bothered to hinder him since he already defeated her, swallowing what she have said five years ago on the playground.

"Hey..." Rio finally spoke, "ever talked to Mr. Karasuma?" she continued without facing Nagisa.

The sound of chopping paused for a moment, "Uh-huh." Nagisa answered.

"What does he said?"

"He completely rejected my application." The chopping became quicker.

Rio never said a word. She felt sorry for Nagisa. After all, she's clearly witnessing every effort that he does every day. He's waking up an hour ahead of her to go for an exercise, he's giving extra time for studies, training with Koro after school, accompanying her in shopping and all. And most of all, he looked like very composed, far from giving up. Nagisa clearly defeated her.

Rio released a long sigh, "I'm signing up too." she said under her breaths.

The chopping stopped again, "I guess you're more capable of me. But don't ever force yourself," Nagisa turned to her and leaned backwards to the counter, "...because of me."

"Y-you misunderstood it. I have my reasons, idiot!" she threw the knife across the kitchen which darted to the closet just a centimeter away from Nagisa's ears, trimming a few strands of his loose hair. "See? You're... better, err-- almost better than me. So I'll no longer baby-sit you!" Rio frowned.

Nagisa barely avoided the knife, but he did not bother to argue about that. Instead, he's more concerned with the part that Rio admitted that he's improving. It was really peculiar, it is the first time that she acknowledged him like that. Most of the time, Rio would scold him, teach him or knock him down, she's always ahead of him when it comes to all sorts of competition. However, Rio also knew that Nagisa's not giving his all whenever he's against her.

It's almost admirable of how thoughtful he is. Nagisa never noticed it but Rio sees inside him; how he lacks esteem and confidence with himself, he's easily intimidated, he looks fragile on the outside but everyone sees the potential inside him. He just flatly lacks self-esteem. That's all. He thinks low about himself. It's almost ironic how he became friends with Rio Nakamura and Karma Akabane.

Nagisa just replied with a smile and turned back to pull the knife and used it to chop again. "I trust you Rio. But I won't let you in trouble--" he was cut off in his words.

"Don't worry, I talked to Koro about it a hundred times but he's clearly against it too. And one more thing, you sounded like a real older brother, you know?" Rio changed the pace into teasing to avoid formal arguments.

"I don't have to sound like one because I'm literally your older brother!" Nagisa bit the bait of a nonsensical argument.

"One month and four days older, exactly." Rio just grinned.

"Oh for sushi's sake." they both laughed while preparing the meal until Karma arrived.

The dark's kissing the sun when they finished preparing the meal for Koro's birthday celebration. Not long enough after cleaning the kitchen, Koro arrived.

"I'm home!" Koro entered the house and removed his shoes.

Karma, Nagisa and Rio prepared for an attack and hid themselves behind the counter and the divider with a knife each. But they are surprised when Karma gestured them to stop and keep quiet. They closed their eyes and felt two bodies approaching them. At first, they thought the other one is Karasuma but they doubted it.

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