CHAPTER 28: Mr. Assassin's Time (The Mountain of Dead Bodies)

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"What do you mean?"

"This is a trap. Neither of your friends is here. I can't sense them." Tomoko explained, "I can't sense them but there is something else."

Karasuma looked at her with a frown.

"Gunpowder mixed with blood, steel and... bloodlust." Tomoko opened her eyes, expecting an enemy to reveal himself.

"Wonderful. That ability is really amazing." A man in his twenties showed himself behind the tree, applauding.

"I want it to be mine. Thanks to you, I'm more eager now."

Karasuma has a bad feeling about this. He's not the type to rely on his raw instincts.

The man moves like a walking feather. His calmness is uncomfortable, not mentioning his innocent demeanor. And although he never met the man before, he has this nostalgia that's been bugging him.

"Come on, Karasuma-san. Don't look at me like that. At least conceal your terrified face from me." The man grinned, causing Tomoko to step backwards.

"Do you know each other?" Tomoko asked.

"I--" Karasuma stopped.

"Tomoko-chan! You're still young back then, now, look at you. You definitely look like your mother. It's me, your playmate--!" The man cheered.

"I don't remember you."

"Ah, sorry, I have to change my face." The man massaged his soft face, "But you'd probably just hear the name from your mother--"

"Hiroshi." Karasuma was still surprised by the unexpected appearance but he has to be more careful. Especially in front of this man.

 "Don't talk to her."

"I'm no longer Hiroshi, Karasuma-san." Hiroshi's friendly outlook suddenly changed into a tenser one.

"If you wanted to kill me too, then do it." Karasuma removed his black suit and folded his white long sleeves up to his elbows.

"What? No! No, No..." Hiroshi waved his hands, "I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to offer you a hand." He smiled.

"As if I'm going to trust you after all you've done."

I swear I won't.

Karasuma seems to be calm but Tomoko knew that he's going to burst in anger anytime soon. And she never saw his brother this serious before. She has all the rights to ask questions though she sensed that the man in front of them cannot be trusted.

"That's harsh Karasuma-san. Then... Tomoko," Hiroshi turned to her this time.

"...have you heard about the tale of Mr. Assassin?"

"Don't feed her with your cunning stories. You don't even have the the right to look at her!" Karasuma yelled in exasperation, clenching his fist.

"What about it? The tale." Tomoko clang into his brother's tense arm to calm him down.

"Aha! Finally. I found a decent Karasuma." Hiroshi mumbled.

"Shut up and just say what you have to say."

"Alright then... I'll start with... hmm, I'll make it interesting for you!" Hiroshi started to walk slowly, encircling them.

"Once upon a time in a lonely manor, there was a boy who lacked interest in everything despite the fact that he had everything. One night, the boy was watching his dad smoke outside their mansion then--"

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