CHAPTER 10: Time for School Trip (Part 1)

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"Nagisa, where are you going?" Rio rushed through the hallway.

"Old house?" Nagisa shrugged as if that's the most typical answer that he can say.

When they say 'old house', they are referring to the Shiota's family house.

Nagisa usually visits the house once every two months or three and the Nakamura siblings accompany him in cleaning the house, but today's different.

"I'm going too." Rio returned to their bedroom to get some sweaters for both of them, but Nagisa stopped her.

"It's getting dark Rio. I-- please stay here with Ms. Yukimura."

Rio just nodded and watched Nagisa left the apartment. She remembers it well that they cleaned the house a month ago. So it's something personal.


Nagisa unlocked the front door of their old house.

"Tadaima!" he greeted, though nobody's inside.

Unlike the rest of the traditional fusuma and shoji around the house, the front door is modernized.

It's not as big as the Yukimura's but the interior of the Shiota's family house is quite large.

So why is he here?

Nagisa proceeds to his parents' room where all their clothes are organized.

He thought that they will be needing yukata robes in their school trip so he's here to get some of his parents' kimono. And since he's too small for his parents' stuffs before, he did not have interests to them, until now.

He remembers how his mother Hiromi picks girly kimono for him, and his father Ryou picks oversized.

Nagisa sighs.

He surely misses them.

"Nagisa... these are my most valuable kimonos. When you finally marry a woman, give her these. I'm not buying them for myself, but for you." Nagisa smiles as he remembers his mother's sentiments. He actually does not want that his parents talk about leaving and dying or something like inheritance and such.

But he just realized how sweet those words are when they left him.

And these things are all his inheritance.

He started to carefully search inside his parents' oshi-ire.

Nagisa cannot choose among his father's stuffs because he hardly grew taller.

He really hates to think of it.

So he searched deeper into his father's yukata when he was still young and unmarried. Luckily, he found a pair that fits to him.

It's already dark so he rushed to Hiromi's belongings. There are too many beautiful kimonos and Nagisa couldn't pick immediately. He just based his choice to Rio's size, and he would get some for Ms. Yukimura too, taking an extra in case they wouldn't like the color.

Nagisa closed the oshi-ire and released a relieved sigh. Maybe Hiromi's right, he can search inside over and over when he's married.

The thought resounds in his mind and it's somewhat nostalgic.


The day of school trip

"RIO! Get up already!" Nagisa hollered over the apartment. Aguri was already up to help them pack and cook bentos.

"Rio's surely enjoying her sleep." She giggled.

After an hour of cramming, they finally managed to arrive at the train station just in time. But still they are the last to arrive

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