CHAPTER 6: School Time

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Monday -- Nagisa woke up earlier than Rio as usual to jog outside. It’s a good thing that there is a basketball court close to the apartment, although Nagisa prefer the wide Wakaba park near the Nakamura household. Moreover, there is little Sakura who plays really early in the park to accompany him when Rio doesn’t get up with him.

Today, it’s quieter. He jogged and ran around the court until someone called his name,

“Yo! Nagisa. Is that you?” Tomohito ran towards him while carrying a ball.

“Sugino. Yes it’s me. Ohayo!” Nagisa waved his hand as he stopped in his tracks.

“Ohayo!” Tomohito inspected if it’s really Nagisa, “Wow, you went pretty far to work out. Is something wrong with the park? Some rehabilitation, or did you and little Sakura had a fight?” he asked with surprise.

“Uh Sugino? It’s… actually, Koro-nii’s gone for while and we decided to live on a nearby apartment. We can’t manage the house with just the two of us.” Nagisa smiled as he scratch the back of his head.

“So where’s Nakamura-san?”


Sorry for lying, Sugino. Nagisa thought.

Tomohito started to dribble the ball and passed it to Nagisa. “Want to play?” he grinned.

“Why not.”

They started to play one versus one while having a conversation.

“Have you already heard?” Tomohito started.

“Heard what?”

“Ms. Yukimura?”

The both of them stopped in their tracks.

“Uh-huh.” Nagisa lowered his head.

“I can’t believe that she’s dead. Have you opened our class chatroom already?” Tomohito did the same while he remember Aguri from the past two weeks as their homeroom teacher.

“Not yet.” Nagisa shook his head.

“Actually, nobody believed that she’s dead or it was an accident.” Tomohito passed the ball to Nagisa again which made him perk.

“Why do you think?”

“Have you noticed it? All the news covered the same thing; saying that it was an accident event witnesses talk about the same thing. And the incident happened in an abandoned train station. We know Yukimura-sensei. She won’t be there on purpose, alone. That was Fuwa’s deduction. You can open the chatroom later to get most of the details.”

“I’ll do.” Nagisa dribbled the ball and shoot.

The ball went inside the ring, “That was cheating, Nagisa! I wasn’t guarding!” Tomohito denied a score for Nagisa.

“Alright. Let’s do it again.” This time, Tomohito was guarding but Nagisa managed to shoot it again.

“You’re pulse is pretty good in shooting, Nagisa.”

After a game raised to 50 which Tomohito won with 50-49, they wanted to have another round but realized that they have to prepare for school.

Nagisa arrived at the apartment only to find Aguri cooking breakfast and making bentos.

“Ohayo Nagisa-kun!” She appeared on the kitchen.

“Ohayo Sensei! What are you doing there?”

“Breakfast. Where have you been?”

“I went out for a jog. And…” For a second, Nagisa thought about the things that Tomohito said earlier.

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