Chapter 3

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                                                                                                         Bokuto POV

I finished editing my newest video about my trip to the zoo where I had an owl land on my shoulder and I fell into the penguin enclosure. My bro, Kuroo was filming for me and laughing the whole time. He is also a youtuber, but he didn't post that much. Kuroo still had about 11 million subscribers because he was dating a really famous gamer, called Kenma or something. I still laughed at the memory.

                                                                                                        six hours earlier

" Bro!" Laughed Kuroo. "How did you manage to fall into the enclosure? You're a complete idiot." I tried to look annoyed. Tried being the key word. After 10 seconds I burst out laughing as well. " I don't know dude! And don't laugh at me, you fell into the monkey pen on our school tour in second year. I couldn't tell the difference between you and the baboon!"

He gasped dramatically. "That was a low blow bro. Real low" We are both laughing so hard now we can barely breath. Then we realized that we have a small problem. Two small problems to be exact. The first problem being we had no clue where I parked my car. The second problem being that the security guard had just closed the exit gates for cars. Kuroo lived about 2 hours away and I lived about an hour away.

We stood there for a second before laughing and panicking at the same time. "This is your fault bro! You just had to take a better look at the penguins didn't you?" Screamed Kuroo while in hysterics. "No dude, it's yours! You made us queue for 20 minutes so you could buy Kenma a toy cat. Everyone else in the queue were five year olds" I shouted while cackling like a maniac. It took us 10 minutes before we realized we were stuck.

"You know what? I have a plan" announced Kuroo. "Oh God, Kubro you never had a good plan in your life. And your 24" I retorted. " YES I HAVE!!! I THINK OF BRILLIANT PLANS ALL THE TIME" Kuroo exclaimed.

"Really? Then name one"

"Well there was the time your mom said you couldn't go to the party. I told you to sneak out and boom. You were at the party."

I rolled my eyes. "Dude, I was grounded for three weeks. I wasn't allowed to come to volleyball practice." He did his weird hyena laugh. (The iconic one) "Oh yeah. Anygays, back to my brilliant idea. I can... Get Kenma to pick us up! Yes, yes, thank you! No need for applause. I'll be here all week"

I was speechless. "Bro... YOU JUST SAID SOMETHING SMART! BERT ASTEIN OR WHATEVER HIS NAME IS WHO?" I might have even shed a tear.

                                                                                           Back to current time

I decided to check the comments of the video i posted yesterday as I always liked to reply to a few of my favourites. When I clicked on the comment section I nearly had a heart attack. FUKOROTOKO HAD ACTUALLY REPLIED!!!! I never thought that someone as cool as him would even watch my videos, let alone agree to collab.

I replied so quickly that I thought my fingers could beat Usain Bolt in a race. I posted my answer while a beam was plastered across my face. It said ' Wait you would? Great! Download instagram already so we can arrange it. I'll be your first follower' and added in my wink TM, ;). The smiley face he put in was adorable as well, I was almost fangirling. Almost. I'm much too manly for that.

I grabbed my phone and texted Kuroo the good news.


Kubro: WAZ UP?


Kubro: He is not as big as Kenma
Kubro: But still nice job

I still could not believe it. I checked the time on my phone. 03:27 a.m.?

Me: Bro why are you awake

Kubro: I could ask you the same question

Me: Touché


I just had to include Bokuto and Kuroo's fabulous friendship. And how could I forget Kuroken? If you don't ship it, it's fine, it's not that important to the story line so just pretend it does not even exist. Happy New Years Eve as well. Thank god 2020 is almost over. My country just went into lockdown again so that's great. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! - Author out :)

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