Chapter 27

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Bokuto POV

I had really wanted to kiss him. But I couldn't. It wouldn't have been fair. He was just recovering from a panic attack, that I technically caused. If I hadn't posted the stupid picture of me playing Mario kart, then this never would have happened.

It was lucky that Kenma had my number and he texted me saying that something was wrong with Akaashi because he wasn't replying.

When we do start dating - I mean if- we can go on great double dates. What are the chances that my best friends boyfriend is best friends with my boyfriend? Well, he is not yet.

Anyways, I'm getting sidetracked. Today we were going to the cinema to see a movie, onwards I think it's called. That's if Akaashi wanted to at least.

Akaashi was still in his room and I can not cook, so I went out and bought breakfast for us. I got Akaashi boring things, like pancakes and waffles, but I had much more exciting things like a muffin and ice cream. He would have murdered me if I had gotten him a muffin. He ranted for ages yesterday about how I needed to eat proper meals.

I didn't listen.

I laid it all out on the table before slowly walking up the stairs and knocking on his door.

"Akaashi? Do you want breakfast?"

He opened his door and walked out, almost walking right into me. I don't think he was paying much attention.

"Sure" He said, his voice a little raspy from crying. "Thanks Bokuto-San."

We walked down the stairs and back into the kitchen. It was driving me crazy, how much I wanted to kiss him. His perfect jaw, his perfect nose, his perfect cheekbones, his perfect neck, his perfect forehead, but most of all his perfect lips.

"This is really good Bokuto-San. I'm guessing you didn't make it."

I gasped in mock hurt. "Mean Akaashi! But you are right. Do you still want to go to see the movie today?"

Akaashi nodded. "Sure. What time should we go at?"

I looked at the clock in my kitchen. It was half past nine. "Maybe around eleven? We can go to the park while we wait. It's only a ten minute walk and the cinema is fifteen minutes away from that so we can walk."

That was unusual. Me coming up with a good plan. Kuroo would be so proud.

"Sounds good." Agreed Akaashi while putting his plate in the dish washer. "I'll go get ready."

I forgot we were both in our pajamas. Wait. I forgot I was in my pajamas. I went out to the shops in my owl pajamas. I thought people were just staring at me because they recognized me. Whoops.

When I came back down we were both wearing almost matching outfits. I was wearing a black t-shirt over a long white sleeved shirt , blue jeans and black converse. He was wearing a blue turtleneck jumper with black ripped jeans and white Air Force one's.

I locked the door and we strolled towards the park slowly. We made some light conversation and my eyes kept inching down towards his hand. It looked so lonely. I bet my hand would fit in there perfectly.

We stopped by a bench surrounded by trees and sat down, before a group of girls who were probably around twelve or thirteen started whispering and walking towards us.

"Are you SirHootsalot?" The one in the middle asked.

I grinned. "Yup!"

They asked for a photo and one of them wanted their hat signed. The girl was wearing my merch. Another one was wearing FukuroToko merch. Shit. FukuroToko. Akaashi.

They had just left and I realized that Akaashi wasn't next to me.

"Akaashi?" I called, wondering where the heck he went. He had been next to me only a few seconds before the girls came.

I heard rustling to me left and when I looked over Akaashi's head peeked out from a tree. Upside down.

He hung there for a few more seconds before jumping off and doing a flip, landing perfectly on his feet.

My jaw dropped. "Akaashi what the heck? How did you climb a tree in like four seconds? And how can you do a flip? Can you teach me? Can you do a backflip?" I rambled, getting distracted.

"I saw that one girl was wearing my merch so I ran to the nearest tree. Luckily they didn't notice. Yes I can do a flip, and a backflip and if you really want I can teach you, but maybe not here." He answers.

"Let's go to the playground!" I said running towards the childrens playground that was luckily empty.

I looked at my watch. It was half past ten. We had spent longer here than I realized.

"AKAASHI! Let's go on the basket swing!" I yelled running over towards it while Akaashi walked behind me with an amused look on his face.

We lay down in the basket part and I started swinging us with my leg. Soon we were high enough that I didn't need to do it anymore.

"Look at that cloud 'kaashi! Doesn't it look like a dog?" I said pointed to a cloud in the sky.

There was a sound, it sounded almost like a camera clicking behind us, but I think I must have imagined it.

"And that one looks like a phone! That one looks like a car! That one looks like a horse!" I rambled on.

Akaashi was listening to me with his eyes closed. A white and light blue butterfly landed on his head. I didn't blame the butterfly, I would like to be near Akaashi too.

I snuck out my phone and took a photo of him, saving it as my wallpaper. I checked my watch to see how much time left before we had to walk fifteen minutes to the cinema. It was ten to eleven.

"Akaashi, we have ten minutes, we need to run!" I shouted, grabbing his hand and running in the direction of the cinema.

Did I run so I would have an opportunity to hold his hand?


God, I am so gay for Akaashi.


Happy St. Patrick's day! We got a day off school so I had big plans to write loads of chapters. That failed.

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