Chapter 10

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Akaashi POV

"Oh oh oh, Aghaashi I have the best idea ever!" Shouted Bokuto. He seemed to only have two moods, happy or sad, and at the moment, thankfully, it was happy.

"What is it Bokuto-San?" I asked. It didn't really matter to me that he pronounced my name wrong, he said it in such a way that is was cute enough for me not to get annoyed.

"So now that your here, I can invite my best friend and his boyfriend and we can like, have a sleepover and play games and watch movies and do all the things that we used to do as little kids at sleepovers!" He rambled. "Ok sure, if that's what you want Bokuto-San." I replied.

"Great!" He said, "because they're already here!" As he said the doorbell rang. "What would you have done if I had said no?" I asked. "Begged with my irresistible puppy dog eyes" he said while showing them to me. He was right they were almost irresistible, but I kept a neutral expression while on the inside I was freaking out. "They aren't irresistible." I said. Bokuto pouted. "Aww they have always worked before." He sad while suddenly becoming sad. When he goes into a mode like this he practically deflates. Even his hair droops a little, through all the hair gel.

Bokuto walked into the hall and opened the door, his emo mode vanishing in a second upon seeing his best friend. "Kubro!" He cheered. Ha, that sounded like Kenma's boyfriends name. I'll have to tell Kenma that when I see him at the wedding. Bokuto and the guest walked in and my jaw dropped. It was Kenma's boyfriend. And Kenma. The three of us all stared at each other for a second before Kuroo burst out laughing, Kenma smiled and I was laughing on this inside, but kept my facade serious.

"Akaashi?" Kuroo laughed in between chuckles, "why are you at Bokubro's house?" Kenma hit him on the shoulder as that was as high as he could reach. "Idiot, remember Bokuto told us he had a guest staying here, and Akaashi said he was staying at someone's house. We just didn't realize they meant each other!" It was honestly like a tiktok.

"Wait I'm really confused, do you know each other?" Asked Bokuto. "Yes." We all answered at the same. "How?" He asked. I explained it to him. "So basically, Kenma and I were friends in high school. A few months ago Kenma told me about Kuroo. How do you know each other?"

Bokuto laughed. "It's a small world after all. Kuroo and I are best bro's since high school and when he started dating Kenma he introduced us. At least now there won't be any awkward introductions!"

Kuroo and him laughed while Kenma and I smiled. We all walked up to the converted attic and Bokuto and Kuroo immediately set up a bet to see who was the best a pac-man. Kenma rolled his eyes. "You would think that after about 100 times of doing this that they would know they would both suck." They both gasped in shook. "Kenma, you savage! How about this. The four of us play and we see who gets the highest score. The winner gets to pick what movie we watch. Does than interest you enough kitten?" Said Kuroo. "Fine" smirked Kenma. "Don't complain when we watch cats again instead of your stupid Disney princess movies."

"Bet." He smirked. 'God, it was like two Bokuto's. I'm actually having a fun time. Just as long as we don't watch Bambi I'll be fine.'


My family thinks that I am bipolar because I was on a family walk and I was just thinking about this chapter, and when I plan chapters I always say the conversations out loud and they were very confused with my jump from serious to stupid in two seconds. Lol.

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