Chapter 24

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"We should make a bet, whoever beats the other person gets to post something on their Instagram story" said Bokuto.

Is he setting himself up for failure? We had played 4 races and I had came first every single time. Seems like a safe enough bet.

"Okay" I shrugged.

It was my turn to pick the map. I smirked and chose the hardest one there, ghost valley.

"What! Akaashi that's not fair" whined Bokuto.

We played and Bokuto kept on falling off the side. He came in twelfth place, again, and I came first.

"Fine, here you go. Be nice" begged Bokuto, dropping his phone into my lap.

"Aren't I always?"

I grinned and took a photo of Bokuto while he was not looking and typed out a quick caption before posting it.

I grinned and took a photo of Bokuto while he was not looking and typed out a quick caption before posting it

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(Pretend that Akaashi isn't in the background and that is isn't obviously edited by me. Credits to @potepoteHQ on Pinterest)

I picked back up my remote and we played another round. Somehow, in the final lap he managed to get four of the rocket boost and sent a bomb at me the second before I passed the finish line.

He zoomed passed me, ending up in 5th while I was 6th.

"Yes!" He cheered "hand it over."

I unlocked my phone and gave it to him. "Just don't post my face." I warned.

He gave me my phone back and I laughed. It was a picture of peach in fifth and the writing said 'I'm very good at Mario kart!'

 It was a picture of peach in fifth and the writing said 'I'm very good at Mario kart!'

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We kept playing for another hour before I decided to make dinner. I was just waiting for the rice to cook. I saw Bokuto on his phone looking at the replies to the posts. I glanced over his shoulder to look at a few. Most people were freaking out, sure that we had met up and I smiled. They would find out soon enough. One person had attached a link (not sure if you can actually do that but let's just pretend that you can.)

He clicked it and a YouTube video came up. The caption was 'proof that SirHootsalot and FukuroToko are dating.'

He quickly powered off his phone and I walked away quietly, as if I hadn't been staring at his phone from over his shoulder.

"Dinner is ready!" I called.

"Coming!" Yelled Bokuto.

God, I felt like a mom.


I had to play seven rounds of Mario kart just for that one photo so that was a big effort. Thank my sister for agreeing to play Mario kart with me.

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