Chapter 40 yooooo

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Bokubro POV (wow surprise!)

When I pulled up outside my house, I groaned and banged my head against the wheel repeatedly.

"Why did I do that?" I wondered out loud. "I didn't even let him explain."

I ran a hand through my hair before slamming the door and walking to the kitchen table while I waited for him to come home.

If he came home. How would he get home?

We came together and I stupidly drove off in the car.


I waited another 25 minutes before realizing that I should do something nice for Akaashi when he comes home.

I could cook him dinner!

Or I could buy him dinner... that would make more sense.

I grabbed my car keys and drove to the store around 20 minutes away.

'Does he like lasagna?' I wondered. 'No one hates lasagna. Wait I don't like lasagna. Never mind.'

I spent about 10 minutes just trying to decided to buy some soba.

I returned home and hoped Akaashi would be waiting there for me.

He wasn't.

So I waited some more.

An hour.

Another hour.

And another.

Five hours passed.

Six hours.

It was now twelve o' clock.


And still no Akaashi.

I think it was two before I finally fell asleep, head rest awkwardly on the table, a plate of now cold soba on the table across from me.

But still no Akaashi.

Akaashi POV (lol you thought, not done playing favorites)

When Kuroo and I finally got to Bokuto's house, there was no car in the driveway. He would definitely have been home by now.

But he wasn't.

We waited another ten more minutes before Kuroo suggested we go back to his and Kenma's shared house and return in the morning.

I agreed tiredly, too drained to argue.

Kenma was still at the wedding when Kuroo and I arrived at the house.

He offered to make me some food and I told him it was okay, he can go back to the wedding. I knew he missed Kenma.

It was five o' clock before he finally left and I decided to make some food.

I looked in their cupboards and saw that they had left over soba in the fridge. I heated it up in the microwave and sat down at the table.

I placed the soba down and sat down.

The bowl was in the space Bokuto usually sat at the house.

I sat there, staring at the bowl for a while.

Too long.

I now had cold soba.

Soba in the place where Bokuto usually sits.

But no Bokuto.


Cold soba? Todoroki who?

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