Chapter 8

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Another time skip to the day they meet

Akaashi POV

⚠️Trigger warning: mentions of anorexia⚠️

I was so nervous. Not only was I about to meet a famous YouTuber who was really funny, but he had never seen me before. He was handsome and I was the complete opposite. Not only that but I'm staying at his house for a week and I happened to have a small romantic interest in him. It's going to be a long week. It was about 6 a.m. so I probably should get going so I could be there at the arranged time, 9 a.m.

It was a two hour drive, but I only got my license recently and I was not the best driver so I will probably get lost. I wish driving in real life was as easy as driving in Mario kart, that would make my life so much easier. I double checked that I have everything I needed for the week and brought my suitcase out into the hall.

I grabbed my keys and locked my door securely. The spray paint was extremely hard to get off so you could still see the faint outline of the word. There was a bumper sticker covering it, which looked a big out of place, but it was better than seeing the word.

The suitcase was heavy as I struggled to put it in the boot of my car. I climbed into the driver's seat and pulled out of the driveway. It was my first time driving to the city so the roads felt unfamiliar, which was not a good thing for a novice driver.

40 minutes into the drive I realized that I had forgotten to eat breakfast this morning because I was so nervous. Great, combine that with only about 2 hours of sleep and you have got a boring day ahead of you. I sighed but kept going. I could survive missing just a few meals. 'I mean that's what you did for 2 years in high  school'

Nope. Those thoughts just went away a few months ago. Not going back there. They were high school thoughts, when I was lonely and depressed. I've changed by now. I hope.


This is just a short chapter explaining a bit of Akaashi's backstory.
They are going to meet next chapter (I think) so be prepared for the start of the Bokuaka.

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