Chapter 39

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Not proofread but yolo I guess

⚠️Tw: swearing, attempted kidnapping ig and Terushima⚠️

Akaashi POV (I know, I'm playing favorites)

I stood there in shock for a second before slapping Terushima across the check.

"Terushima. Fuck off." I said, pushing him away and running out the door of the back room in the direction that I thought Bokuto had gone.

"Akaashi! Just the person I was looking for. Now that I got Oikawa and Iwazumi to admit their feelings, I have a tie for fourth place on my list, between TsukkiYama and YakuLev.
Which one is your opt?" Kenma asked.

"Not the time, did you see which way Bokuto went?" I searched the room but didn't see the familiar, spiky, black and white hair.

"He left through that door about ten seconds ago." He said, pointing to the back door leading to the car park.

"Thanks. And TsukkiYama!" I yelled, running as fast as I could towards the door and into the car park.

But I was just a few seconds too late.

I saw the car pull out through the gates and sprinted after it.

"Bokuto! Wait!" I shouted, just catching up to the window.

"Just give me some space Akaashi." He hissed, speeding up and driving through a puddle that soaked me.

Just my luck. No ride home and now it was raining.

I trudged through the puddles and watched my brown dress shoes turn darker and darker as they became more saturated.

I had been waking for about 20 minutes before realizing that I could have just asked Kenma or Kuroo for a ride.

I took out my phone and opened google maps, trying to navigate the way but just to my luck, it died. Kenma must have been stealing my charger again.

Now I was wet, lost and gay in the city.

After another twenty minutes of walking and still not seeing any familiar landmarks, I began to lose hope.

I heard the sound of a car and saw a white van pull up beside me.

"Hey do you need a ride? I can take you anywhere." Said the man who reeked of alcohol and cigarettes driving the van.

I wasn't born yesterday, I know not to trust creepy men. Especially not ones in white vans. No thank you, not today.

"No." I said bluntly, walking a little faster then before.

"Are you sure? A pretty little thing like you shouldn't be walking in the rain all alone at this time. Let your new friend Daishou take care of it all."

"No. Goodbye." I said, walking even faster. At this point I was practically sprinting.

A hand harshly grabbed my shoulder. Fat, meaty fingers held on tight to the elbow on my other hand. When had he gotten out of the van?

"Let. Daishou. Help. You." He said with more force than before.

The fat, red fingers now clawed their way over my mouth, stifling any sound that come out. I felt myself being dragged back towards the direction of the van.

I struggled and thrashed as much as I could, but I couldn't escape. How could I be over-powered by an old man.

Suddenly we bumped into something. Someone to be exact.

"You have three seconds to let him go. One... two..."

I got pushed out of Daishou's grasp and my savior, Kuroo Tetsuro, immediately punched him in the face and lead me back to where his car was parked.

He started driving away and once we were a fair distance away he started freaking out.

"Oh my god Akaashi, are you okay? That prick better not have hurt you, I swear to god. Kenma got worried when neither your nor Bokuto returned after twenty minutes so he sent me to find you. I'm so glad I did, thst in time."

Honestly, Kuroo is basically like a big brother to me at this point.

"I'm fine Kuroo, he didn't hurt me. Terushima kissed me and Bokuto saw and drove off leaving me to walk home and he offered me a lift and a said no, but he still tried even after I said no and I couldn't get him off and I just felt so weak and helpless, like I couldn't do anything and-" I rambled on, slightly scared.

"Akaashi listen. It's not your fault at all. You did all you could, and I doesn't matter that you couldn't escape alone because I was there and you can always rely on me. Also, why are we still here? We need to take you to Bokuto's house so you can explain. Hurry." He said, as if I was the one driving.


POV: I'm your Kuroo. My Dms (if that's what you call them are always open even if it's just to vent or if you just want a conversation) I'm fairly sure you know what this chapter is about and always remember that you are valid. I would literally die for you and I don't even know you.

The Top Comment- A Bokuaka AU (completed)(under editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ