Chapter 38??? I think???

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Not proof read or edited because I need to get out content before you murder me

Kinda long I guess?

Akashi POV (again)

"Keiji! I love this song! Come dance!" Bokuto yelled and pushed me toward the dance floor where many people were now joining Suga and Daichi after their slow dance.

He started jumping around all over the dance floor, knocking over Terushima in his dancing.  It was a cheery and upbeat song that everyone on the floor was dancing crazily to.

Even the people not on the floor were tapping their feet to the beat of the song.

I let myself be dragged-


Why is he here?

Where did he come from?

Bokuto was already helping him up and before I could duck out of sight, he saw me and started walking over to me.

Well, nothing that I can do now.

"Akaashi! Hi! Nice to see you here! Do you think that we could talk, maybe in the back room so it is more private?" He asked.

Not waiting for an answer he frog-marched me into a room at the back of the hall that I hadn't even noticed before.

The sound that was previously blaring from the speakers was now muffled through the thick walls. I couldn't hear any conversation from out there and that meant that they wouldn't be able to hear or see us.

This isn't good.

Terushima sighed and leant against the wall with his back to the door.

"So Akaashi. Hey. How... how are you?" He asked awkwardly.

How am I? When has Terushima ever been slightly civil to me before?

"Um, I'm fine. Why did you want me here?" I replied, just trying to get out of here.

He sighed again before continuing. "I just wanted to say... that

I guess I owe you an apology. I guess I should say I'm sorry. I am sorry that I did things wrong, I am sorry if you were offended, I'm sorry that you felt hurt, I am sorry that you think I did something wrong, I'm sorry you feel that you think I did something wrong, I'm sorry you feel that I am mean. I am sorry but most people wouldn't have over reacted like you did and I am sorry but other people thought it was funny. I am sorry but you technically started it, by taking my pen when we were ten. I am sorry but I couldn't help it. I am sorry, but there was truth to what I said. I am sorry but you can't expect perfection. I was just kidding and trying to help you see my side. I was playing the devils advocate and I regret you felt upset, I regret mistakes were made, I know I shouldn't have done all those mean, hurtful things. You know that I am sorry and didn't mean to. You know that I winks never hurt you intentionally."

What the heck... Terushima apologizing?

"I'm sorry, but I can't just forgive you. I accept your apology, but it will take some more time to fully heal." I answered, still shocked.

"I already said sorry like a million times, what more do you want?" He said beginning to grown angry. (try count how much times he actually said sorry if your bored.)

"I want to know why. Why would you spend all those years and time tormenting me only to apologize 13 years later? What reason could you possibly have? What's your motive?"

"You want to know why? Fine. I'll show you why."

A few seconds later I heard a glass smash to the floor. I opened my eyes and saw Bokuto was standing at the door and was holding a glass filled with red liquid.

Which would have been fine if Terushima hadn't started kissing me.


You know this chapter was supposed to be a Terushima redemption arc, but one thing lead to another and now I have another wedding chapter and a lot more angst.

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