Chapter 36

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Around an hour until the wedding Oikawa had finally finished styling everyone. Noya and Tanaka were wearing pink suits- which they were not happy about- white shirts and a black bow tie. They had white baskets and were throwing pink so pale that it was practically white cherry blossom petals. Kita had to hold their baskets because they kept throwing them in the dressing room- I mean Suga's bedroom- and wasting the petals.

Kageyama, Oikawa, Yamaguchi, Kita, Yaku and Akaashi were all wearing black suits with shirts the same colour of the flower petals and white ties. They all had to hold small bouquets of pale pink cherry blossoms.

Cherry blossoms were Suga's favorite flower so basically the whole theme of the wedding was that.

Suga was wearing a white suit, baby pink shirt and white bow tie. He had a cherry blossom in his button hole and held a bouquet of cherry blossoms.

"Koushi- kun! The limousine is here!" Squealed Oikawa. He was honestly more excited about the wedding then Suga, the actual groom, was.

Oikawa untied everyone from their chairs and pushed us towards the door while he gathered the emergency petals for Tanaka and Noya.

It was like watching a mother hen and all her baby chicks. Except Oikawa would make the worst mother hen ever.

When everyone was in the limo and it started driving towards the church it became clear that Suga was actually nervous.

He reached for the bottle of wine in the cooling rack at the side of the limousine before Kita slapped his hand away.

"No drinking before getting married!" Scolded Oikawa from across the car.

Suga, who was sitting next to Akaashi, whispered in his ear "jokes on him, I've already had three glasses!"

Suga can either be almost like a perfect mum, or the chaotic wine aunt at the same time. I don't know how he does it, but he does. There is no explaining it.

He became even more nervous when they arrived at the church and saw everyone about to go in. There was tinted windows so the people in the limousine could see outside, but the people on the outside is the car could not.

They watched as all their friends showed up and went into the church, Daichi and Asahi, who was his best man, Hinata, Lev, Kuroo, Kenma, Atsumu, Sakusa, Osamu, Suna, Tsukki,  Iwazumi, Ennoshita, Kiyoko, Yachi, Mattsukawa, Hanamaki and many others.

Soon the church bells started chiming for one o'clock. The wedding was starting.

They all piled outside the door and waited until they heard the traditional organ music that was their signal the enter.

"Noya and Tanaka, go now!" Oikawa hissed, pushing them inside the church.

He counted to twenty before telling all the grooms butlers to go.

Then it was only Suga standing by himself at the churches big doors.

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and remembered Oikawa's strict instructions. "Count to three before entering" He said it so many times it was practically drilled into his brain.


Noya and Tanaka threw their petals happily, smiling and waving. They were always happy to be the center of attention. They completely forgot their earlier embarrassment of their pink outfits.


Down the isle the grooms butlers walked, in three rows of two, Yamaguchi and Kageyama at the front, then Yaku and Kita and finally Oikawa and Akaashi. No one saw the looks that six people in the church were giving each of them. It was a look of pure love.


The guests craned their necks, trying to get a better look at the doors about to open for the last time that will reveal the man that held a special place in all of their hearts. Not one person has Suga met that didn't become friends with him by the time he left. Daichi especially.

'Now pause for dramatic effect.' Thought Suga.

'And now...'



Am I making you wait another part?

Yes. Yes I am.

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