Chapter 4

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Akaashi POV
⚠️TW: Use of the f slur ⚠️

I can't believe I was so stupid. When I woke up this morning I went to YouTube to delete my comment before anyone actually saw it, but my computer was dead. So I tried to use my phone but I was logged into a different account and I couldn't remember my password.

I groaned in frustration and to make matters worse my phone also died. I went into the kitchen where I always left my chargers and none was there. How the hell did all my chargers disappear in one day?

Oh right. Kenma. I swear, don't let him into your house, he will steal all your chargers, use your computer to edit his own videos and waste all your phone battery playing video games because he forgot his PPS.

I decided the best thing to do was go to the shop and buy a new charger. I got ready in an over-sized cream jumper, jeans, white sneakers and a dark brown trench coat with a navy backpack (I'm trying to describe the cover picture basically).

I grabbed my car keys and locked the door. When the door opened I saw something that made my day even worse. My car was egged and in spraypaint was the word 'Fag' was painted on the bumper. Stuck onto the windscreen of the car was a picture of Terushima with his middle finger out.

What a waste of my new car. I guess that is what you get when your address gets leaked online. The internet is not such a wonderful place. I only had two options now, walk or take a cab. As I have had bad experiences with cabs I decided to walk 20 minutes to the mall.

I was passing the zoo when I saw something that made me do a double take. Opening his car with a smile on his face was the famous YouTuber that wanted to collaborate with me, who stuck up for me in front of all his fans, the man who has recently began to occupy my mind, SirHootsalot.

What the heck was he doing in the car park of a zoo for children? Did he not turn 24 last September? He was probably making a video about the animals or something. Yeah, that was probably it. I mean, why would a grown man go into a zoo for 6 year olds willingly?

I just shook my head and continued walking to the shops. I purchased a new cable for my phone and computer, making sure to buy a spare one for the next time Kenma came over to steal my stuff as he was lonely because his boyfriend was busy.

I was walking home from the store when, just because of my luck, it started to rain. I speed up as I didn't want to get soaked. I made it home soaked but I just hoped that the chargers were both okay. I walk upstairs and plug in my computer and phone. Thankfully they both start charging.

I change into some dry, comfortable clothes and open up my half charged PC. To my surprise there is over 3 million notifications. I click on the top one and see that my comment on SirHootsalot's video has gotten over 1.2 million likes, 15,ooo replies and 900,000 new followers, putting me up to 23 million subscribers. And I haven't even been streaming for the past week.

I looked at some of the replies before falling out of my chair in shock.

SirHootsalot had replied. AGREEING TO COLLAB!!! I probably should go and download Instagram now.


I didn't really know what trigger warnings to put on the chapter so I just put in a small one.

The Top Comment- A Bokuaka AU (completed)(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now