Chapter 28

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⚠️Trigger warning: alcohol⚠️

Akaashi POV

When we got back from the cinema, it was four o clock because we had stopped for lunch and Bokuto had gotten a bit distracted.

"I'll start making the dinner." I told him, and started preparing the ingredients to make soba. Soon it was ready and we sat down to eat.

"Akaashi what do you want to do after dinner?" Bokuto asked. I pondered for a minute before realizing that we still didn't know that much about each other.

"Let's play 21 questions." I suggested. Bokuto grinned.

"Sure! But if you don't want to answer the question then you have to take a shot."

Why does Bokuto make a bet for literally every thing? Pac-man, Mario kart and now this?

We went into the sitting room and Bokuto got out a few bottles and a shot glass (I am underaged so I apologize for my bad descriptions.)

Several questions later we were both drunk. I knew I would regret it tomorrow but something Terushima once told me was stuck in my head.

He said: "don't be such a stick in the mud Akaashi, lighten up. Have some fun! You only live once, don't waste it!"

So here I was enjoying life.

" 'Kaashi when was the last time you cried?" Asked Bokuto, whose face was flushed from the drinks. We had gone way over twenty questions, but we didn't seem to be stopping.

"Last Christmas I watched Banana fish." I answered, taking a shot. My head was fuzzy and my thoughts were dulled with the buzz of the alcohol.
(Actually it was this morning but hush)

"You didn't need to take a shot, you answered the question." Said Bokuto, scrunching up his nose in confusion. It was kind of cute.

"I know. That was just to drown out the pain of remembering." I answered, not wanting to remember that sad day. I had to binge watch several other shows to heal. I was going to watch one about volleyball, but who the heck would watch a show about a volleyball anyway? It would be so boring, what would happen, someone died? Imagine!

"Do you like anyone?" I asked, knowing that he probably didn't. He took another swing. I doubt we will be able to remember this by tomorrow.

"Yeah I do. He is pretty much perfect. He has wavy hair that never seems to fall out of place, he has a cute button nose that takes all my self control not to kiss it whenever I see him, he has soft, plump lips that I can't help imagine about, and his eyes. His eyes are my favorite part. They are such a deep, greenish blue colour. I looked it up, they are a gunmetal blue. He is just perfect." He rambled on.

Honestly it kind of hurt to see my crush talking about someone else like that. I knew Kenma was wrong, I knew that he wouldn't like me.

"What about you Akaashi? Do you like anyone?" He asked suddenly.

I decided to just tell him. Oh well, nothing to lose I guess.

"Yeah. I like you Bokuto."

Am I doing this on purpose? Yes.
Do I care? No.

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