Chapter 29

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I decided to just tell him. Oh well, nothing to lose I guess.

"Yeah. I like you Bokuto."

⚠️Trigger warning: slight NSFW at the end, pretty much just kissing but I'll put another warning at the start of it⚠️

Bokuto POV

I think my heart stopped beating for a second. Akaashi. Liked. Me. Oh my god. Akaashi likes me! I like him! He likes me! So we like each other!

Akaashi must have noticed my staring because he quickly said "I know that you don't like me back, it's fine, I'll just try to act like nothing had happened, pretend I never said that. God, why am I such an idiot? I should have never-"

⚠️kissing starts here⚠️

I crashed my lips against his, effectively cutting him off.

So tell me, have you drank some water today?

Have you?

If you haven't go do that now

Go drink some water

How about food?

Have you eaten today?

Go do that

I'm not letting you continue if you haven't

Have you done it?

You sure?

Okay you may continue

Enjoy the two oblivious idiots finally grow some balls.

He sat there rigid and I pulled away, hoping that I hadn't overstepped any boundaries.

"Akaashi! I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry" for-"

This time it was me who got cut off by Akaashi's pink lips pressing against my own.

I blinked in confusion before realizing the situation. Akaashi was kissing me. My crush was kissing me. And I was just sitting here like an idiot.

Quickly, I kissed back, threading my fingers through his messy raven curls.

The only thing running through my mind was Akaashi. I was kissing Akaashi. Thank you alcohol.

Wait... do Kuroo was actually right? Akaashi did like me back? I internally groaned. I was so oblivious. How did I not notice it before?

Soon it got heated and I started making my way down his neck, leaving little bite marks. I would regret this tomorrow, but for now I'm just letting the alcohol control me.

It seemed Akaashi was also doing the same.

One thing lead to another and now we were both standing shirtless in my bedroom. It was at that moment went Akaashi regained some of his senses. He pulled away and said "Bokuto-San. We are both drunk. How far are we going?"

I stopped and thought, trying to find sense in my scrambled brain. I suddenly gasped. "You're right 'kaashi! This is stupid!" I tackled him into the bed and snuggled into his chest.

"I thought we agreed to stop? What are you doing Bokuto-San?"

"Cuddling. Now sleep. I'm tired." I replied closing my eyes. "Nighty night Keiji."


It was such a relief to FINALLY get the two of them together.

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