Chapter 42 yay i updated come read this

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(A sea gull just stole my sandwich and now I am annoyed)

Akaashi POV (yes I am still playing favorites, sue me)

'Oh shit.'

There was a photo, posted by an account with no profile picture and a default username of user790351.

Of two people.

One with very recognizable, sticking up hair.

One with slightly curly black hair.

I saw that it was posted two days ago. I must not have imagined that camera clicking sound I heard that day we were at the park before the movie.

It was lucky that it was only taken from the back and so all you could see was the back of our heads and Bokuto pointing towards one of the clouds that he thought was shaped like an animal.

But there was two more.

The next was one where you could see Bokuto's face clearly as he was sitting up and it looked like he had his phone out and was taking a picture of the person still laying down on the basket swing with curly, raven-black hair.

I sighed in relief. Still no actual pictures of my face. People had seen the faint image in the reflection of the television screen but it was hard to make out my features. Looks like my face is still a secret.

I scrolled across to the last photo.

Never mind.

I spoke too soon.

The last picture was taken from a distance and was slightly grainy but it was still obvious to see my face as Bokuto and I were holding hands.

Wait why did we hold hands? We weren't even dating back then.

Oh right. He was dragging me to the cinema. But it didn't look like that in the picture.

I scrolled through the comments and was met with mixed reactions.

There was a lot of loyal followers asking the person to take the photos down as I did not want my face to be revealed.

Others wondered if this was really even me in the photos. 'Just because he is always flirting with Fukuro doesn't mean that they are actually dating. Besides, we don't even know if they have really met up.' Is what those people were saying.

But out of the 21,768 comments, most of the people were freaking out. 'OMG MY OTP' and 'Bokuaka my beloved.' Were two of the comments I saw the most of.

Bokuaka? What the heck is that?

That sounds like the thing Kenma said while talking about Oikawa and Iwazumi.

Is it like a ship name?

But how did they know my name, Akaashi, in the first place? I never released it to the public.

I clicked on replies and saw a few other people questioning how they got the name 'Bokuaka.'

One person had tagged another account, also anonymous, with a default name.

They only had one post and it seemed to have a lot of writing. It said:

'Name: Keiji Akaashi
Age: 23
Online alias: FukuroToko or Fukuro
Birthday: 5th of December
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Description: curly, raven colored hair, gunmetal blue eyes, 182cm tall.
Favorite food: strawberry pocky
Address: XXXXX-XXXXXX, Japan
Type of car: black Mercedes-Maybach Exelero
License plate: XXXXX-XXX.'

What the fuck?

Who posted this?

Actually I know. I have only told three people that.

Kenma, who I know wouldn't tell anyone,

Suga, who I trust with my life




(Work work) Kenma (work work) Suga~ and Terushima.

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